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Ditari i Opozitës

Snippets from the unaffordable ease of a banal wine!!

Snippets from the unaffordable ease of a banal wine!!

By Agron Gjekmarkaj

1. Sali Berisha

The leader of the opposition, Sali Berisha, has been postponed for the third time, but no one investigates beyond the illegal detention in conflict with the Constitution months ago, this fact gives him the status of a political prisoner!

Those who believe in justice and those who don't believe in it, should react together against injustice, the former to restore its dignity, the latter to put them in their place. Both parties have likely eclipsed it in their inability to respond socially. A banned opposition is a stop for everyone, except for a government that wants to cross the electoral threshold without a real opponent. The political factors in Albania today are Sali Berisha and Edi Rama. In a match, both must play and not one has the ball, the other is tied to the goal! If it is not the witch or the doras, Edi Rama should be the first to call for his opponent to be released and the process against him to continue in freedom. The imprisonment of Sali Berisha is more than a game of institutions, national and international pressure on them, it is a matter of social conscience! If the society is interested in justice, democratic standards and guarantees for each of its members and for itself as a whole, resolve it as an issue!

2) SP Congress

Edi Rama removed several ministers, did not give any explanation why he did this act, no analysis, no reason, he threw them away like dry figs! It did not redden or turn yellow. No one knows why Taulant removed Balla, Mete, Pelesh! For the opposition's accusations or the government's own strategies?!

He took three young figs and made them ministers, he did not give any reason why, what they will do better, why they are needed. Those who left and those who came agreed on one thing that it is none of their business to know what happens to them. In PS no one dared to ask why! Courage and curiosity, doubt and thought have died in that party. They laugh when they should cry and cry when they should laugh. Interests and bloating have killed all idealism and love for this country! They transform the leader into a ruler.

3) Arben Ahmetaj

Personally, I have not changed my opinion or attitude towards Arben Ahmetaj. His success was based on servility! His arrogance in corruption! He has long been no. 2nd deputy of Edi Rama, the most important one who has eaten "pears behind his back", today accused by our justice but also an accuser against the justice itself, his boss, and former colleagues! Terrible accusations that deserve to be considered one by one and to give the Albanian citizens an irrational explanation and not a political denial about them!! Such types are more truly in danger than in "glory"!

4) The elections in Himare!

Në Himarë u bënë një palë zgjedhje në një sfond kinse nacionalist. Mazhoranca solli një “grek” nga Dropulli e tha se ky do shpëtojë shqiptarët nga Greqia. Një grek mjafton të respektojë Kushtetutën e Shqipërisë e të jetë nënshtetas i saj dhe mund të bëhet edhe President i Republikës!

Opozita vuri një “shqiptar” nga Dhërmiu për të cilin u tha që ky do ju bëjë derman “grekëve” nga shqiptarët!! Po nuk qe aspak thelbi ky. Folklori përdoret si çati për strehën e maskarenjve që duan toka e prona. Qeverise i duhej ajo bashki dhe për këte nuk lejoji mbi 6 mijë veta të votojnë, shpërnguli gjithë shtetin e partinë me kuç e maç e anipse arrestoi Kryetarin fitues e “mundi” anën e fituesit me pothuaj 1500 vota! Një Zot e di se ç’ka bërë kjo qeveri për Himarën gjatë 15 muajve për të thelluar diferencën!! Ajo çka ndodhi në Himarë nëse nuk ndalohet do të ndodhë në pranverë në të gjithë Shqipërinë! Manipulim, tjetërsim, shtim listash, ndalim votuesish, presion nga bashkimi shtet parti, para si lubrifikant, kërcënim nga çunat ku ajo nuk bën punë! Nëse propagandistët e pushtetit e quajnë ketë problem vetëm të opozitës, janë në punën e tyre, por nëse dikush tjetër që nuk është pjesë e kësaj frote e mendon kësisoj, e ka gabim. Ky është problem i Shqipërisë dhe i shqiptarëve. Gjithmonë do të gjindet një “spiromilo” për t’i vrarë zgjedhjet, nëse ne nuk vrasim “spiromilon” brënda nesh!

5) Zjarret!

Shteti ynë dhe Kryeministri i shtetit flasin për satelitë në Hënë të cilët fluturojnë si presh! Zjarret bëjnë kudo kërdinë. Në Shengjin të Lezhes arritën pikun. Indiferenca e pakujdesia vunë në rrezik qytetin, jetën e pronën! Imazhi? Është ai që mbeti pas djegies-i nxirë!

Zjarret vazhdojnë! Barbarët përcëlluan edhe Finiqin një nga qytetet kryesorë të botës antike ilire! Zjarrfikësit nisen! Rrugës u bien gomat, u prishet motori, nuk kanë ujë! Përfundojnë banorët, ushtarët e policët me fshesa shqope e degë pishe për të luftuar me flaket! Në fund mëshira e fqinjëve bie mbi ne si shi kundër djegies. Nëse nuk do vidheshin kilometrat, inceneratorët, sterilizimet, sa aeroplanë kundër zjarrit do kishim pronë tonën? Boll! Pensione e rroga më të larta? Natyrisht më shumë!

Nëse nuk vidhet këtë vit me të njëjtin ritëm duhen blerë nja dy, se vera vjen prapë, zjarret po ashtu sidomos babëzia e mafies së ndërtimeve do të rritet për të kapur tokën djerr!

6) Rruga Milot-Balldren

What has been happening for years on the Milot-Balldre axis is a daily attack on human dignity, on the residents, on those "heroes" who want to do tourism in the north! You can spend hours on those 15 km. Traffic traffic useless traffic. Time stops, the car starts, patience wakes up, anger and insult remain silent! It's a good thing that Dukati is connected to Progonati or Qeparoi to Terbaci, Bregu to Vlora from the Llogara Tunnel! It's nice when you have a panoramic road to look at the city from above, you can make flower beds and gardens at the end. Edi Rama is from there and he is doing honors to his country, but he claims to be the Prime Minister of all! He is behaving with the logic of the rescue committees of 1997 towards the North! In Milot, find the test, in Balldre, get the certificate! In Shkoder, you can only find Bennett smiling without any promises kept! Oh yes, he oiled the clock that the "Englishman" built!

7) Summer!

It seems that this summer is not a season but a state of mind where the unaffordable ease of banality is dissipated with words, sunshine and afternoon sleep!

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