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The government plans 22 projects in the field of technology, which are the 10 investments with the highest cost

The government plans 22 projects in the field of technology, which are the 10

The Albanian government has planned 22 projects in the field of Information Technology ICT, with funding from the State Budget for the period 2022-2024. "Open Data Albania" shows that the value of investments in technology reaches the figure of 9.95 billion ALL.

These projects are mainly related to the improvement of hardware and software infrastructure, construction of systems and ICT infrastructure; optimization of security infrastructures, etc.

Of these 22 projects, 18 of them will start implementation later this year. Among these investments is the Agency for Media and Information, which will "absorb" the state budget 21.5 million ALL for information equipment.

Listed below are the 10 investments in the field of ICT with the highest contract value and budget weight for 2022:

1-ICT Systems and Infrastructure Project for the Air Force (Military Department No. 3001, Tirana), has the highest budget cost, where only for 2022 the state will pay 1.29 billion Lekë or about 10.6 million Euros. The total value of this new public project, with a duration of 2022-2024, is 4.38 billion Lekë, and must be realized by the Ministry of Defense

2-Improvement of ICT systems for the State Police with a total contract value of 1.08 billion Lekë. For 2022, from the State Budget will be paid about 500 million ALL for the development of this project. This project will be implemented by NAIS

3-Another project with high weight in the state budget for 2022, is the public investment Cyber ​​Security by the Ministry of Defense, which will be implemented within 2022 and is worth 200 million ALL.

4-Two other projects focus on the construction of ICT laboratories in Basic Education and Secondary Education, with a total value of 600 million ALL respectively for each project. Also the value that will be occupied in the State Budget for 2022 is 200 million Lekë for each of the projects. These projects will be implemented by the Ministry of Education and Sports in cooperation with UNDP.

5-Sisteme dhe Infrastrukturë TIK për Agjencinë e Sistemeve të Ndërlidhjes së Informacionit me vlerë totale të projektit rreth 1.16 miliardë Lekë. Nga Buxheti shtetit për vitin 2022, për këtë projekt do të paguhen 129.7 milionë Lekë. Ky projekt do të zbatohet nga Reparti Ushtarak nr.6640 Tiranë.

6-Një tjetër projekt me vlerë të konsiderueshmë në fushën e TIK është Pajisja  elektronike dhe sisteme IT në Drejtorinë e Përgjithshme të Tatimeve me vlerë totale 488 milionë Lekë. Për vitin 2022, pesha që zë në Buxhetin e Shtetit ky projekt është 200 milionë Lekë. Ky projekt do të zbatohet të periudhën 2022-2023.

7-Sistemi Informatik i menaxhimit të proceseve të brendshme është një tjetër projekt që do të zbatohet nga Ministria e Drejtësisë brenda vitit 2022 me vlerë totale 58.4 milionë Lekë.

8-While the Central Archive of the Armed Forces will implement the project of the System of digitalization of archival documents during the period 2022-2024, with a total value of 95.9 million ALL. For 2022, the weight in the State Budget for this project will be 50 million Lekë.

9-During 2022, the Tirana District Court will implement the project of the National Electronic Register of NGOs worth 57 million ALL.

10-Another project that will be implemented within 2022 is the Electronic System for managing denunciations on corrupt records, by the Ministry of Justice. The weight of this project in the State Budget for 2022 is 46.9 million Lekë.

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