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Ditari i Opozitës

Berisha: Mercenary justice remembered to open the file of the National Theater to finally close it

Berisha: Mercenary justice remembered to open the file of the National Theater

Chief Democrat Sali Berisha returned to the issue of the century-old National Theatre, which, after it collapsed, the Constitutional Court decided to suspend any act and gave rights to the citizens of Tirana and the Alliance.

From the civic gathering, Berisha said that the justice of the mercenaries remembered to open the file of the National Theater to finally close it.

Berisha : Order what happens to the new justice. Dear partners, after the centuries-old National Theater collapsed, after it collapsed in an act by Nero, the Constitutional Court decided to terminate every act and gave rights to the citizens of Tirana and the Alliance.
After four years, the new justice of mercenaries like Zamani finally remembered to open the file to finally close these pages that have no law or morals, but only follow the orders of a master thief named Edi Rama.
That buys and sells every day and destroys Albania.
Please, gentlemen, watch here, you are not paid by your governments to support a thug-regime like this.
You are not paid by your own citizens to support the leaders of the Albanian narco-state.
Gentlemen, if you cannot stand on the side of justice, if you cannot stand on the side of the democratic interest of the Albanians, stop standing on the side of Albania's chief criminal, the chief bandit, the chief thief Edi Rama.
Citizens, time is yours.
It's time to take control of your destiny.
Nothing can save Albania anymore except your decision to take your destiny into your own hands.
I understand that you are being brutalized 24/7 by toxic propaganda fueled by the government's crime money.
Its parrots, who have lost all norms and ethical standards, deceive and intoxicate the citizens.
They call theft virtue, stolen mandates they call victory.
They call the conversion of crime into a vote a result.
They call turning the vote into a crime merit.
I understand the propaganda intoxication of this propaganda, which is as slanderous as the Nazi and Communist propaganda, but they were an ideology, while this is only theft, theft, theft of Albanians.
Mafia, mafia, mafia of Albanians!

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