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Berisha in the National Assembly: In this decade, democracy was destroyed and political imprisonment returned

Berisha in the National Assembly: In this decade, democracy was destroyed and

The head of the DP, Sali Berisha, started his speech in the National Assembly with an invitation for reflection.

Berisha said that in this decade democracy was destroyed, political imprisonment returned, or the parliament turned into a caricature.

Berisha : We are at the end of 2023, the end of the year is always a time of reflection, but today I invite you to do a little deeper reflection because this end of the year marks the end of a decade governed by renaissance, one of the blackest decades in history of Albania. A decade in which we lost the free vote, the nation lost hope and a third of its soul.

A decade during which our achievements crumbled, the rule of law replaced by the narco-state. This can be called the decade of destruction.

Today, our nation is a despairing nation, a nation that mourns the youths who find no future in this country, a nation that groans because its body is seized by the metastases of crime, a nation that pours out because it is the most plundered nation among all nations in Europe.

Private properties are no longer looted by communists, but by so-called strategic investors.

Albanians continue to be persecuted no longer by the Hoxist secret police, but by government gangs and patronageists, by criminal organizations in the institutions of the narco-state.

We no longer have people's courts, but we have SKAP and party courts, organized criminal groups, within which they are used to deliver punches to enemies in the opposition.

We sold the national interest to Serbia and turned Tirana into a second Belgrade.

The population has decreased by 35 percent in 10 years. With mass desertion and the dominance of deaths over births, for the first time our nation is a dying nation, something that did not happen even under communism.

All these and many others, just like in the Stalinist dictatorship, again happen under the image of a demon who has grabbed all the powers and who wants to keep power by force term after term, and this demon is Edi Rama.

Today, we are again in the conditions of a new dictatorship, but not an ideological one with prisons and camps, but we are in a mobocracy, a narco-dictatorship, in which, just like in an ideological dictatorship, the powers are in the hands of one man. This man exercises power not with laws, not with the Constitution, but with gangs, with crimes, with the drug mafia. He goes from mandate to mandate because drug money, the power of crime, turns into votes, and votes turn into crimes, looting of property and public funds, murder, imprisonment of opponents, transnational corruption to destroy the opposition.

They turn into fear and terror, and the latter, just like in ideological dictatorship, turn into votes.

In this decade, democracy was destroyed, the last elections where Albanians voted freely were the 2013 elections.

In this election, pluralism was destroyed, the logo of the largest opposition party, the party that overthrew the communist dictatorship, has been confiscated.

The constitutional rights of the opposition are denied and an old wound has been reopened, the political imprisonment of the opposition has returned.

In this decade, the parliament turned into a caricature, a parliament where the opposition, in a coup within the state, loses its constitutional rights, where in its sessions, the guard becomes the bodyguard of the governors and the budget of the Albanians passes in 4 minutes.

In this decade, monism returned. Today, that government has more power than the last Albanian communist dictator, Ramiz Alia.


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