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Kalaja: Fatmir Xhafaj's cousin, Armand Lilo, endangers the lives of residents with unauthorized construction on the terraces of buildings!

Kalaja: Fatmir Xhafaj's cousin, Armand Lilo, endangers the lives of

The Democratic Party has accused builder Armand Lilo, also Fatmir Xhafaj's cousin, of endangering the lives of residents with unauthorized construction on the terraces of buildings.

In a statement to the media, the chairwoman of the Appeals Committee in the Democratic Party, Adriana Kalaja, said that citizens have complained about these constructions, but it seems that they have been ignored by the responsible institutions.

"Fatmir Xhafaj's cousin, the demolitionist Armand Lilo, one of Erion Veliaj's favorites for tower permits, builds apartments even on the terraces of buildings, creating risks for the lives of residents, violating laws and ignoring the legitimate complaints of citizens.

In one of the buildings built by Armand Lilo's "Alris" firm in the Astir area, another apartment is being built on the terrace, next to the existing one.

Concerned residents have addressed institutions with official letters to stop this construction, as it poses a risk of the building collapsing, but the works continue without any obstacles.

On December 16 and 17, 2024, residents notified the Tirana Municipal Police, the police went and verified it, but as soon as the name of the builder was mentioned, the police told the workers to "continue working, but slowly, don't make noise because those below have complained."

Municipal police officers told residents that "this is not illegal construction, but rather a reconstruction of an existing apartment."

On January 6 and January 8, 2025, residents filed two official complaints with the Tirana Municipality's IMT, but this institution did not intervene.

On January 9, one of the residents living on the floor below the terrace of the building went to Police Station No. 6, Kombinat. Police officers went to the scene and found illegal construction on the terrace of the building, but did not take any action, stating that the prohibition of illegal construction is the competence of the IMT of the Municipality of Tirana.


In addition to the risk of the building collapsing, 4 families living in the buildings below the terrace have had water enter their apartments as a result of the rain. They have also contacted municipal unit no. 14 and were told that we will forward your complaint to the IMT.

Residents are stuck in this ping-pong of institutions that, instead of protecting them according to the law, have become a shield for the builder who destroys, Armand Lilo.

Shame on them and a black face for the justice system that allows the rioters to die at the door and leaves the gates of theft and abuse open to the rulers and builders who have gained for themselves and destroyed the city.

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