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Noka: SPAK is holding the DP chairman, Sali Berisha, hostage

Noka: SPAK is holding the DP chairman, Sali Berisha, hostage

Leaders of the Democratic Party held a meeting with the democrats of Belshi this afternoon.

In the speech held at this meeting, the General Secretary of the DP, Flamur Noka, declared that the Albanian spring has started.

The speech of the General Secretary of the DP, Flamur Noka:

Dear friends

Ladies and gentlemen

Belshi, the whole plateau of Dumre is an area blessed by God, with so much beauty and over 80 lakes. Should there be poverty, hopelessness, mass exodus from this naturally prosperous country? As a rule, there should not have been.

But the truth is that most of the residents here do not live well, they work hard and the result is not enough.

Most of the inhabitants of Dumre are not in those postcards issued by Edi Rama or his ministers who brag about every miracle that God has bestowed on this plateau or Albania as if he were the creator. Very carefully selected postcards that want to create the illusion that everything is going well, want to hide the real situation.

If the government had only a little attention to you farmers and ranchers here, the residents of this area should live well, with the conditions they have.

But no one will know. They only care about stealing your money. All this plateau these hard-working residents with zero subsidy.

As he has created his network of thieves in other sectors, he has also created such in agriculture. Money is taken by a handful of people, close to the government. All the money.

Theft in agriculture is the worst, dear friends. Because not only the taxes of Albanians are abused, but also the taxes of German and French citizens, with the funds that the EU has given to help Albanian production, the Albanian farmer, are wasted and divided among the rulers.

And the tourist resort "Zoe Hora" is built in Dhërmi with German funds.

You know that this fund has been banned, because the EU realized that they had a hand. The academician of Barinje caused havoc..

They have a hand everywhere, in incinerators, in Xibraka, in 5D, in every public fund.

In any normal country, a prime minister who has all his collaborators in prison, precisely for abuse of office, with governance, should have left.

Edi Rama is still standing because SPAKU is holding him up. Can it be imagined that he is the orderer and responsible for the concessions, but not for the Party Cabinet.

It is a responsibility for the incinerators in the eyes of every Albanian, but not for SKap. So every field he covers and is responsible for is in SPAK, only he is not.

The same with his deputy in the Municipality of Tirana. Half of his directors and associates are in prison, only he is not.

Po pse krijoi drejtësia e re një monument kaq të madh pandëshkueshmëria, pse u dha imunitet Ramës dhe Veliajt. Mos është i shqetësuar vallë SPAK për fatin që do të kishte Partia Socialiste. Nëse janë të merakosur se çdo të ndodhte me këtë forcë politike, po ua them unë këtu, se do t’i bënin nder. Pasi kjo kastë e korruptuar, kjo bandë e gërshetuar mes rilindjes dhe mjaftit, po e shkatërrojnë atë parti, po u marrin frymën socialistëve të ndershëm.

Kështu që i them Dumanit te SKAP të zbatojë ligjin e të mos ketë hallin se dëmton Partinë Socialiste Te i heq pandëshkueshmërinë dyshes Rama-Veliaj, Ligji I trajton ata si të barabartë para tij si gjithë të tjerët.

Ndërsa opozitën e ka shpallur armike skapi dhe drejtësia me regji..

Sali Berisha i burgosur politik pse i nxjerr te palarat regjimit me kriminelë dhe korruptiv

Sali Berisha. Simboli i anti korrupsionit ne Shqipëri. Simboli i antikrimit ne Shqipëri. Edhe aleatet tjerë.

Te dashur miq

Ndaj themi se Dëmin e vërtetë drejtësia e re po ja bën vendit, pasi qytetarëve po u thuhet se Kryeministri Rama dhe Kryebashkiaku Veliaj kanë të drejtë të vjedhin, të pasurohen, të bëjnë ç’të duan ata me fondet, me taksat, me pasuritë e këtij vendi.

Drejtësia e re, po u thotë qytetarëve se ka një ligj e një drejtësi për ata, e një ligj e drejtësi tjetër për Ramën e Veliajn. Po u thotë qytetarëve se kjo dyshe, paskan të drejta më shumë, se ata nuk i kap ligji. Kjo është dramatike të dashur miq. Kjo i bën njerëzit të humbin shpresën e të kërkojnë të ikin, të braktisin vendin.

Dhe ketë gjë ju e identifikoni me mire se kushdo. Se këtu keni Tafanin…

Të dashur miq!

Edhe këtu në Belsh ne mund të bëjmë diferencën mes punëve konkrete, akteve të mëdha dhe propagandës. Fotot që nxjerr Rama nga Belshi vijnë pas shumë gjërave të tjera, përpara se të shkojmë tek ato shfaqje e fasada.

Rruga që ndërtoi Partia Demokratike, tuneli i Elbasanit e kanë bërë të mundur këtë. Ju e dini se sa larg ishte Belshi me Tiranën. Dhe duhej shumë mund, e shumë vetë e mendonin dy herë ardhjen këtu. Ndaj para atyre fotove, ka një histori.

Ai që bën si krijues i kodrave të buta e i 84 liqeneve, po të donte ka edhe ai punë, edhe ai mund të bënte diçka. Mund të kishte rritur pagat, pensionet, mund të kishte subvencionuar prodhimin, mund të kishte rritur ndihmën ekonomike, mund të kishte shtuar listën e ilaçeve të rimbursueshme. Asgjë nga këto për 11 vite.

Pse, sepse paratë vidhen e ndahen mes tyre.

Sa herë ka një abuzim me fondet, sa herë çohen miliona euro në pak duar, duhet ta dini të dashur miq, se ju këtu në Belsh e kudo në Shqipëri po u mohohet një drejtë që ju e keni. Po u mohohet cilësia e jetës. Po u mohohet dalja nga varfëria. Po u mohohet mundësia për të rritur mirëqenien tuaj, për të shkolluar e për t’u garantuar një të ardhme fëmijëve.

Rebirth has only one goal. Keeping power at all costs, See what they did here in Belgium. They robbed the mandate of the Municipality with all means and ways. The people did not trust them. Yes, they took it by force, in violation of the law and every norm of free and fair elections. Again with a handful of votes difference. Why?

Because the City Hall here needs Rama for his own goals, to produce votes for his power.

He doesn't need it because he has a project for you, or because he wants to serve you. The people, the citizens, the peasants do not even exist.

We also have Erjon Veliaj's 5D in Belsh. The chairman's friend. Same scheme everywhere

 Dear friends!

The Democratic Party has united and is at the head of an unprecedented action in confronting this regime tooth and nail. We have caught them in every affair and exposed them naked with all their vices and thievery, before the eyes of the Albanians.

This is a battle won by the United Opposition, even though they have every power in control of most of the media.

We are engaged every day in enriching the opposition power with potential, with young men and women, with values ​​and ideas. It is not an easy road. It requires work, momentum every day. And each of you has the power to develop, to add a brick to the construction, strengthening, consolidation of the alternative that we will present to the citizens.

We must bring the change that the country is looking for, that Belgium and Albanians everywhere want. We can and must do this with people, working closely with them, staying with them.

I am convinced that we will succeed. The Albanian spring has started, it has opened its buds everywhere. We must look after it, wait for it, towards the great day. Which is not far.

Thanks, win, win

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