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Tabaku in the Economy Committee: Tax amnesty for 10 years, a gift for the oligarchs!

Tabaku in the Economy Committee: Tax amnesty for 10 years, a gift for the

Democratic MP, Jorida Tabaku, has raised some criticisms at the meeting of the Economy and Finance Committee, strongly opposing the Socialists' proposal for a 10-year tax amnesty for foreign companies investing in tourism.

With powerful and well-argued rhetoric, Tabaku has called this initiative a gift to tourism oligarchs, which neglects the vast majority of Albanian citizens and small businesses.

" When we approved the budget in December, the government promised that there would be no fiscal changes, no exemptions, no privileges. But, just a month later, the Socialists bring an initiative that violates their own promises and legal provisions, by forgiving taxes for a handful of companies on the eve of the elections, " Tabaku declared.

Tabaku also criticized the postponement of the Law on Strategic Investments for the eighth time, calling it a clear example of the law being captured by private interests.

These laws are no longer temporary. Benefits for a few are becoming the norm, while small businesses and farmers face a heavy fiscal burden,” Tabaku stressed. “How can you justify that large foreign hotels are exempt from taxes, while Albanian accommodation structures on the coastline, which employ hundreds of people, pay everything?”

Tabaku cast doubt on the data of the Ministry of Finance, which claimed the creation of 888 jobs from these fiscal exemptions. She demanded full transparency and accurate information on the real economic benefits of these measures.

" How many hotel employees do not benefit from these privileges? What about the 300,000 farmers who work every day without any fiscal exemption, what support have they received? How can we turn a blind eye to this inequality? " Tabaku asked, adding that this is a policy that directly affects the interests of citizens and honest business.

Calling the majority's legislative agenda shameful, Tabaku criticized the fact that the new year's parliamentary session began with laws that favor large and foreign businesses.

"Instead of introducing a law that affects the majority of citizens, the government starts the year with privileges for 10-11 large hotels. This is the worst gift that can be given to our fiscal system and economic equality," she declared.

Tabaku raised strong concerns about the long-term impact of preferential fiscal policies. She accused the government of creating an unequal and unfair tax system that favors informality and economic division.

"Tax exemptions and preferential policies have created a deep inequality. Albanian hotels pay taxes, while foreigners are exempt. What message are you giving to domestic investors?" she said in strong tones.


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