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Muçollari: The 'Selman Stërmasi' stadium is turning from a sports temple into a concrete tower

Muçollari: The 'Selman Stërmasi' stadium is turning from a

The Democratic Party accuses the Rama-Veliaj duo of continuing to rob public spaces for personal enrichment.

The member of the DP Presidency, Grigels Muçollari, said in a statement to the media that the 'Selman Stërmasi' stadium will be the next robbery, as according to him, it will turn from a sports temple into a concrete tower. 

Full statement: 

We are located here near the Stadium, which you all know, "Selman Stërmasi" or the former stadium "Dinamo", where the team of the heart of many Albanians, Tirona, plays, will soon be buried under the next "business tower" project, with concrete, but no greenery.
As always, the co-authors of this masquerade are the infamous duo, the benefactors of concrete and corruption, Erion Veliaj and Edi Rama.
In this decision that they have prepared and in the accompanying relationship that we managed to secure for this new project of devouring public spaces, there is talk all the time about income, economic benefit, high interest area, high rents, etc. .
Not a word about park, greenery, recreational environment, urban space, etc.
In the plan that Erion Veliaj has with Edi Rama for this emblematic stadium of the city of Tirana, there is little or no talk about sports, football, improving conditions, increasing quality, encouraging young people.
Simply, it is all seen as a golden opportunity for Kulla.
For one, for several, for many towers maybe, on a plot of 27 446 m2.
The project has not been made public.
Undoubtedly, that project exists, it has been placed in the meantime in some dark hall, or in some lunch or dinner. Surely the winner has been determined.
The public is now given a few tidbits of information.
And the devil is in details like these: revival, re-energization.
Whenever Rama and Veliaj use these words, a tower will appear there. They used the argument of property degradation. But why who let this property degrade? Exactly the same people who will return it to the tower.
Erion Veliaj has apparently learned from his SPAK colleagues and this time he has taken care to hide behind the Municipal Council, unlike the incinerator where he eclipsed the institutions with his signature and order.
The council seems to have made the decision, this document is here, it is just waiting for the opportunity to pass it for a vote, where the cards will be raised to turn this public property, this city stadium, into the domain of Edi Rama.
Where is the public interest here?
Do the citizens of Tirana agree that this asset of the capital will be transferred to Edi Rama, who will give it to a friend of his, who will build a tower, a business worth hundreds of millions of euros.
What is the benefit of this area, which is suffocated by concrete?
What do the children, the young, the elderly benefit from here?
What benefits football, the fans, the well-wishers of the Tirana team?
No one benefits from anything, except Edi Rama, Erion Veliaj and their builder friend who has been given this gift in the meantime, the decision has been made.
The inhabitants of Tirana and the Albanians will learn it later.
This is "Albania 2030", which Edi Rama invites you to vote for in 6 months.
Robbery of property, personal gain, business, enrichment of a handful of people.
Concreting, heavy traffic, heavy air.
We must react against this devouring!
Today, never!

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