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Berisha: Trump won on November 5 as the savior of America, but also as the savior of world freedom

Berisha: Trump won on November 5 as the savior of America, but also as the

Berisha: First, I want to congratulate Avni Delvina from the bottom of my heart for this exhibition, dedicated to perhaps the most important event after the Second World War and the fall of the Berlin Wall. The return with the most powerful, most extraordinary free vote in the history of humanity of Donald Trump to the main throne, in the White House.
As you see in this exhibition, Avni Delvina has an inspiration that is both earthly and divine. But undeniably, the return and inauguration of Donald Trump as the 47th president of the USA is a moment that is both divine and earthly.
It is divine because the enemies of freedom, the representatives of the darkest sides of man and humanity, the Marxist-Leninists, beyond the Marxists, the Sorosians were engaged in an oath that Donald Trump would never become president of the USA.
God saved his life by a fraction of a millimeter and this episode was repeated later, again Donald Trump managed to win on November 5 as the savior of America, but let's be realistic as the savior of world freedom.
It cannot be denied that the seizure of US power by the extreme left by Marxist-Leninists and post-Marxists, the Sorosians, posed a major threat to freedom, family and human identity.
Marx, as you know, in his terrorist doctrine, predicted the creation of a new man at any cost. George Soros took Marx's doctrine further, creation, intervention in the human race, in the very biological identity of man.
If Marx remained in the realm of psychology, Soros extended it beyond psychology and the very biology of human beings.
Unfortunately, Albania, just as it once was the flourishing experimental garden of Stalinism, has been transformed in these years into the flourishing experimental garden of the monster of humanity called George Soros.
The flag of the American extreme left was the flag of censorship and this constituted an extraordinary threat to the freedom of the world.
Those of us who have experienced dictatorship are clear that everything begins with the war against speech. The extreme left in the USA managed to transform censorship into official policy and impose it throughout the world. Censorship offices were created, censorship commissions were created.
Similarly, justice was created just like in totalitarian dictatorships, which should have been used according to the example of the USA, for the imprisonment and punishment of political opponents.
So a motto was returned, but now in different conditions, which Father Zef Pllumi described so skillfully in his book; After us, it will be us, there is no alternative.

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