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Gynecologist: Infertility, a very big problem in Albania for both sexes

Gynecologist: Infertility, a very big problem in Albania for both sexes

Gynecologist Shkëlqim Balili, invited to "Time to wake up" spoke about problems with infertility and reproduction.

The doctor clarified that infertility is a very big problem in Albania, for both sexes.
He pointed out that there are many men who have spermatozoa with almost zero ability to fertilize the egg, while as for the other gender, the doctor emphasized that the problem with women is that they "leave pregnancy for last" by giving priority to their career and not following the biological clock.

"Infertility is a very big problem in Albania. It requires intensive work from all gynecological centers because we have couples who want pregnancy and cannot achieve it. There is a logical connection. I told you that I gave birth to 35 women after the age of 29. Women today want to secure the economy and career, then leave pregnancy for last.

I have said somewhere that I call 30-year-old girls old, actually I said it about the ability to reproduce. If a woman is 30 years old and cannot get pregnant, she should consult a gynecologist, but after this age the period is reduced to 6 months. Over time, the number of eggs and their quality decreases.

Male reproduction is prioritized today because it is declining. Men in the spermogram and sperm culture show that spermatozoa with normal ability and speed to fertilize are almost zero ," he said.

Doctor Balili also added that the best thing is for births to take place in a natural way, while stressing that previously the percentage of births that were performed by Cesarean section used to be only 10 percent, while today it has reached 60%.

"In the maternity ward, we previously waited for 35 births a night and performed 5 operations a night, and when I went home I said I had a white night. In the summer time when there was a great need, almost every night out of 30 births, and of course science had not reached where it is today, we had a scientific idea that should still exist today, so that births would normally be natural.

Many years ago I was in France, as soon as I entered the room the doctor asked me: What is the percentage of operations in Albania, I told him 10 percent, and he said it is the ideal. Today we have 60 percent",  he said.

The doctor emphasized that all couples looking for a pregnancy should do a preliminary check-up, about 3 months before pregnancy.

"All couples who want to get pregnant should do a preliminary check-up. We need to teach girls and couples when to have sex to get pregnant. In cases where there is infertility or impossibility, a consultation is necessary. The consultation should be done 3 months before pregnancy" , he said.

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