Flash News
Killed the 50-year-old in Ndroq, Julian Gjoshi is Altin Hajri's brother-in-law; curvy character in the file "Burn"
The perpetrator of the murder in Ndroq has been identified, the incident is suspected to have happened for d*oge shopping
Murder in Ndroq/ The victim is identified, the perpetrator was driving a black "Benz".
Shots fired in Ndroq, one person is suspected of being killed
He shot with a Kalashnikov while terrorizing the residents, the 44-year-old man is arrested in Selenica
He bribed the citizen to close the case, SPAK takes the judicial police officer to trial
The Special Prosecutor's Office against Corruption and Organized Crime completed the preliminary investigations of criminal proceedings no. 180 of 2024 and submitted to the Court the request for sending the defendant to trial:
AD accused of committing the criminal offense of "Passive corruption of judges, prosecutors and other officials of justice bodies", provided for by article 319/ç of the Penal Code.
The criminal proceedings were initiated by the Special Prosecutor's Office, based on the footage broadcast on the investigative show "Fiks Fare" on Top Channel television, which showed the corrupt case of the Judicial Police officer, AD, in the Prosecutor's Office at the Court of First Instance of Jurisdiction of General Elbasan.
In the analysis of the evidence gathered during the preliminary investigation, it was proven that the defendant AD has committed active illegal actions, which consist of seeking and receiving illegal benefits (of 1,000 euros) from the citizen H.Ll. against the promise to close the case in charge of her son, for the criminal offense "Illegal construction", provided by article 199/a of the Criminal Code. After learning about the defendant's request, the citizen H.Ll addressed the show "Fiks Fare" to make the case public.
From the concrete data gathered during the preliminary investigation for this criminal proceeding, there is a reasonable suspicion based on the evidence, that the defendant AD was a Judicial Police Officer in the Prosecutor's Office at the Court of First Instance of the General Jurisdiction Elbasan, which had an illegal active role in the conversations with the citizen H.Ll, instructing her the place and date of the meeting as well as handing over the amount of money [bribe].