Flash News
A powerful explosion in an apartment in "Don Bosco", the police react
The "friend of the family" has been absconding with the 12-year-old for 4 years, is announced as wanted
NAME/ This is the young man who lost his life in the tragic accident in Korça
Interpol mega-operation in 116 countries, 2500 people are arrested, among them Albanians
Germany, the Albanian kills his ex-wife in front of his three minor children
Viti i ri akademik/ Ish-zv.ministrja e PS: Pse parukierja ime është më e lumtur se trecereku i njerëzve që njoh me doktoraturë
By Irena Beqiraj
What I would like to say to every new student!
You have spent the last twelve years of your life in school. When it started you were a child and you were treated like a child. Now you are an adult and you are finally facing some of the choices and decisions of adults.
One of the routine decisions in our collective culture is that after you graduate from high school, you should go on to university. Definitely attending college sounds better than not attending it. Almost every authority figure in your life, parents, teachers have told you:
"If you finish university, you can have a successful career, more money, why can't you be even happier".
But as you may have noticed, authority figures bend the truth whenever it might hurt your feelings, or whenever they don't want to look bad.
I am convinced that there is a special place in heaven for those who tell the truth, so I have decided in life to be honest more than to be liked.
I'm starting with a general rule: If your studies bored and annoyed you in high school, they will annoy and annoy you even more in university!
"Suppose your friend who weighs 100 kilograms dreams of being a professional football player. Would you encourage him to follow his dream? Or as a true friend would you warn your overweight friend that he is unlikely to succeed in football, even happiness can achieve by considering another more realistic career?
That said, enrolling in university is a good decision for good students, a bad decision for mediocre students. There are special cases when a student i poor becomes a good student. But to dream that every poor student will become a good student. You may
rightly ask yourself if I am a good, mediocre or poor student
to rule number 2: If your academic performance by high school ranked you in the top 30% of students, you are a good student. If you are ranked in the middle 20%, you are a mediocre student fall into the last 50%, you are a weak student.
Without exception, all of you at the University will spend time and money, but this does not necessarily mean you have made an investment. University turns out to be a good investment only for good students. For the rest, it is simply considered an expense. There is an essential difference between investment and expense. Completing a university does not equal knowledge. Without the necessary solid foundational knowledge and without developing critical thinking skills, your degree has no value.
Edhe pse ju keni zgjedhur degë për të cilat mendoni se ka treg pune, rregulli nr 3 është se :në të gjitha rastet suksesi në tregun e punës për një të sapo diplomuar më shumë se sa zotësi është fat!
Në psikologjinë tonë shoqërore rregjistrimi në universitet është masa përfundimtare e vlerës së një të riu, një vendim detyrues , një pararojë e pakundërshtueshme e sukseseve ose zhgënjimeve që do të vinë më pas për të. Një hap drejt lumturise edhe plotësimit .Në fakt e vërteta rezulton krejt ndryshe.
Parukierja ime është më e lumtur, më e qetë , më e talentuar edhe e sukseshme në punën që bën , krahasuar me trecerekun e njerëzve që njoh me doktoraturë.
Pra univeristiteti nuk do të përcaktojë atë që ju do të jeni, ajo është brenda jush.
Nuk u tingelloj motivuese ? Ju lutem mos u zemëroni me mua. Nuk dua t'ju dërrmoj ëndrrat, qe shpesh nuk janë as tuajat , por thjesht janë produkte të pritshmerive ndaj jush Ajo dua t'ju them se më shumë se ëndrrat me sy hapur në jetë duhet "zemra plot edhe këmbët në tokë !"