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Germany for the first time unconditionally allows dual citizenship, 8 main innovations

Germany for the first time unconditionally allows dual citizenship, 8 main

The German Parliament in Berlin has started consultations on reforming the new German citizenship law. 8 main innovations.

1. Multiple citizenship is allowed

The current law allows dual citizenship for citizens of the EU, Switzerland as well as for children born and raised in Germany up to the age of 22. They then had to decide which nationality to hold. The condition for the granting of German citizenship, according to the current law, is the removal of the previous citizenship. This condition was bypassed only in exceptional cases, when the country of origin refused to revoke the citizenship of its citizen. There have been such cases, for example, for citizens from Iran, or even from Kosovo, before the declaration of independence. With the new law, the condition of removing the other citizenship, in order to obtain the German citizenship, is dropped.

2. The deadlines for obtaining citizenship are shortened

While according to the existing law eight years of residence in Germany were required to obtain German citizenship, the new law allows obtaining citizenship even after five years of residence in Germany, and even after three years, if it proves special integration skills.

3. The period of stay of the parent for obtaining the citizenship of the children is shortened

The required period of residence of a parent in the Federal Republic for the automatic acquisition of German citizenship by children born in the country will be shortened from eight to five years. The rule of selecting a citizenship at the age of 22 is removed.

4. Recognition of the free democratic constitutional order

As a prerequisite for obtaining German citizenship, the condition to submit to the German way of life falls, and the condition of recognition of the free and democratic constitutional order is imposed.

5. German citizenship is not given to anti-Semites and racists

According to the bill and related proposals added by the government, in response to increased hatred of Jews in Germany. The law stipulates that German citizenship should not be granted to persons who carry out anti-Semitic propaganda, which includes the denial of Israelis' right to exist and the burning of the Israeli flag.

6. Citizenship is not granted to homophobes and polygamists, or who despise women

This proposal was added to the bill at the request of the Federal Council, the Bundesrat, which is the second legislative body in Germany, next to the federal parliament, the Bundestag. The Federal Council has asked not to grant German citizenship to persons whose behavior has proven that they do not respect equal rights between men and women or commit derogatory acts against a certain gender or a certain sexual orientation.

7. Information in the prosecutor's office

The relevant authorities have the right to be informed about the candidate at the relevant public prosecution offices for criminal offenses based on anti-Semitic, racist or other derogatory motives.

8. Exemptions and exemptions for first-time migrants

The draft law makes exceptions for certain groups of migrants, who have been living in Germany for many years, and who are over 65 years old. They have the right to obtain citizenship without passing a language test, and without having to prove that they do not receive social assistance. It is especially about the labor force recruited from Germany in the 50s to the end of the 70s of the last century, and that in Federal Germany, i.e. the West, they were called Gastarbeiter (guest workers), mainly from Turkey and former -Yugoslavia, as well as workers recruited from East Germany (Vertragsarbeiter) most of whom come from Vietnam. With this step, Germany thus compensates for the mistakes of the past. DW



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