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Argita Malltezi: The extension of investigations by SPAK is being done to burn Berisha's mandate

Argita Malltezi: The extension of investigations by SPAK is being done to burn

Argita Malltezi said that the extension of SPAK's investigations into the head of the DP Sali Berisha and Jamarbër Malltezi was taken without any new evidence.

Malltezi said that the goal is to burn the mandate of Sali Berisha and hit the opposition in an election year.

"The decision dated March 29 of this year extends the investigation period until July 2024, while it does not bring any new evidence, except for a recapitulation of those presented in the October court decision.

In only 8 lines is the argument why the investigations are being prolonged. There is nothing concrete in the argumentation, but it is said that the issue is complex and we need more time.

Being in the investigation phase, the leader of the opposition is under house arrest, as well as Jamabër Malltezi, without any facts, without any evidence, without any arguments, simply by Spak's decision.

This is a de facto extension of the measure of house arrest because that is the order of Edi Rama.

This is a well-thought-out and criminal strategy of SPAK that only aims to lose the mandate of Sali Berisha in the mandate and hit the opposition in an election year," said Malltezi.

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