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"Audit for DP finances", Gazment Bardhi warns Basha

"Audit for DP finances", Gazment Bardhi warns Basha

Lulzim Basha's opposition to the decision of the Appeal in the Supreme Court does not prevent the procedures for taking over the administration of DP from Sali Berisha's side. This includes the party's finances, which will require immediate control. This was confirmed in RTSH, the democratic vice-president Gazment Bardhi.

"Regarding the finances, there should be no movement by those who have managed them until now. There will even be a full audit of how party funds were used by individuals who, legally, should not have enjoyed this right," said Bardhi, who identifies Lulzim Basha as one of these individuals.

 "Mr. Basha has used the party's finances with a court certificate, based on the 2021 election. Politically and legally, he had lost his power, after Mr. Basha resigned in 2022. The use of that certificate to spend money, i.e. the misuse of those funds without respecting the will of all members, will go through an internal audit of the DP" - said Gazment Bardhi, who also made an appeal to Basha regarding DP finances.

"I encourage no further action, because it would be not only politically, but also legally reprehensible. There should be no action with DP funds," said Gazment Bardhi.

For the year 2024, the CEC has given the DP about 1 million euros, while it is calculated that, until Gazment Bardhi was dismissed by Lulzim Basha in the middle of last year, there were about 1.5 million more euros in the party's coffers. . 

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