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'The Vucic-Rama duo are enemies of the Serbian nation and the Albanian nation!'

'The Vucic-Rama duo are enemies of the Serbian nation and the Albanian

The President of the DP, Sali Berisha, has shared on Facebook an article by the author Nikola Krëstiq, regarding the Kosovo-Serbia tensions.

Friends , I suggest you read and share this article by the courageous Serbian journalist Nikola Krstić, published in the Belgrade newspaper, Danas , writes Berisha.

"INSIGHTS: Serbia in the Kosovar nightmare, by Nikola Krëstić.

The society in Serbia as early as 1998 in Kosovo lost the path through which it proudly continues to this day. Thirty years have passed since Milosevic's ghastly Gazimestani and we haven't moved from there even for a second. We were stuck in that Kosovar nightmare, and because of our bloodthirsty revenge, we turned from proud anti-fascists into grumpy servants of nationalist ideas

Of course, it's no wonder why children in Serbia, immediately after finishing the school year, go out into the streets and sing about Kosovo, Ratko Mladic, Srebrenica and, yes, how to kill the Albanians. It is no longer a mystery that Uroshin, who was killed by Nishi, is actually judged by the public to have carried a provocative canoe, on which it says 'anti-fascist'. It is no longer worrying at all that, little by little, we have violence on a religious, racial or nationalistic basis. I don't know where all of a sudden this wonder came from. This is how it happens all the time here, only sometimes we pay attention to them, and most of the time we turn our heads. The society in Serbia as early as 1998 in Kosovo lost the path through which it proudly continues to this day. Thirty years have passed since Milosevic's ghastly Gazimestani and we haven't moved from there even for a second. We were stuck in that Kosovar nightmare, and because of our bloodthirsty revenge, we turned from proud anti-fascists into grumpy servants of nationalist ideas. Every bit of the anatomy of Serbia at that time was infected with Serbian nationalism. Starting from the political parties themselves, through the Academy of the Church, all the way to the ordinary citizens, who through their voice at least contributed to the continuous grinding of evil. The systematic poisoning of everything was so radioactive that all the peoples around us had to be killed because of it. All this accumulation of drudgery, of despair, of spiritual corrosion,

Nga lart e teposhtë, Serbia i gllabëroi të gjithë ata që ishin të papërshtatshëm dhe nuk iu përputhën modelit të Serbisë së madhe. Një djallëzi e tillë që u shpërfaq nëpërmjet morbiditetit horrorik, sadizmit të errët dhe krimeve të tmerrshme e shtyu këtë vend në një çosh të vockël, në të cilin po pret e strukur që të zhduket. Ngase sot nuk mund të vazhdosh të evoluosh normalisht me pjesën e mbetur të botës nëse të gjithë një dekadë e ke kaluar duke e krijuar një ferr nazist midis Evropës. Nëse Sarajevën e ke maltretuar për vite. Vukovarin e ka rrafshuar përtokë. Dubrovnikun e ke granatuar. Në Prijedor i shtyre ‘joserbët’ të bartnin shami të bardha. Hape kampe përqendrimi nëpër Bosnjë-Hercegovinë, e për të cilat askush nuk di gjë. Në Srebrenicë kreve gjenocid. I dëbove me qindra mijëra shqiptarë nga Kosova. Transportove kufoma fëmijësh, grash, pleqsh nëpër Serbi, duke i fshehur nëpër vrima. Dhe pikërisht shkaku i mungesës së dekontaminimit të shoqërisë serbe po ndodhin këto mikro-çmenduri. Të gjithë ata fëmijë që sot këndojnë për Kosovën dhe çuditë e tjera u rritën në këtë gërmadhë të lënë pas dore e të përhumbur. I mësuan, kudo që kthyen kokat, që t’i urrejnë të gjithë përreth vetes. Janë të bindur se për varfërinë e tyre fajtor është shqiptari i Kosovës. Ua ngulitën në koka se është e nderme të vdesësh për një copëz toke. Derisa krimi iu prezantua si vepër heroike.

It is no wonder that even my generation, born during the nineties, defends the naming of the student center after a war criminal. They are Milan Nedić, Dimitrije Lotić and Nikola Velimirović. That instead of going after the white world, they sleep in monasteries across Kosovo. They annoy everyone around them with Cyrillic, Orthodoxy and natality.

That's why Borça happened. That is why the Albanians were beaten in Novi-Sad. Therefore, they set off with sticks towards the Roma in Leskovc. Because here no one can come to terms with the fact that the Serbs, due to their megalomaniac frustrations and psychotic disorder, became the last hole in the European horse.

*The author is a Serbian journalist. The review was published in the Belgrade daily 'Danas'.


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