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"Elisa in the 'World of Madness'", DP: Establish Tom Doshi as an opposition party, alongside Sali Berisha!

"Elisa in the 'World of Madness'", DP: Establish Tom Doshi

The Secretary for Legal Affairs at the Democratic Party, Ivi Kaso, describes as a scandal the attempt of the Speaker of Parliament Elisa Spiropali to establish Tom Doshi's party as an opposition party, alongside Sali Berisha.

Kaso said from the blue headquarters that Spiropali, presenting the Social Democratic Party, of Edi Rama's main ally, Tom Doshi, not as a governing coalition formation, but as an opposition one, is a serious violation of truth, political and civic morality, as well as a violation of equality in elections.


Elisa, who started in Wonderland, claiming to save the world, has now passed into the World of Madness.

According to a pre-prepared plan to manipulate the May 11 elections from the beginning, by any means and means, in complete violation of the law and with political cunning, she, by defiling the role of the Speaker of Parliament, has placed Tom Doshi's party on the side of Sali Berisha's opposition.

In a response to the CEC's interest in the alignment of parties in the Assembly, the Speaker of Parliament, who can thus be called a charlatan, presents the Social Democratic Party, of Edi Rama's main ally, the hero of free elections, Tom Doshi, not as a formation of the governing coalition, but of the opposition.

This is a serious violation of truth, political and civic morality, and a double-edged violation of equality in elections.

Citizens know who Tom Doshi has aligned himself with from Tirana to Shkodra, from 2011 to 2025. Analysts can open online CEC documentation and see that, even on paper, the Rama-Doshi alliance is fixed.

Elisa of the Mad knows all this, but she does it to please her boss, to undermine the May 11 elections, and to help the Socialist Party with another crutch. Sensing that things are going badly, they employ every unfair and illegal means to harm the opposition and the voting process.

Why are you doing all this?

The goal is to steal an opposition counter in the upcoming elections and to pass it to Doshi, who will be removed as an opposition party, but will campaign, count and extort for the NarkoRama majority.

This falsification contradicts dozens of decisions by the CEC and the Electoral College, which determine that self-declaration does not make one an opposition, but the support it gives to government initiatives in the Assembly.

The opposition will not allow this scandal, and warns the Assembly Speaker that if he does not withdraw, he will be sued by SPAK for abuse and misuse of office, as well as forgery.

The Democratic Party strongly condemns this act of theft that damages the balance between the parties in a country where all power is in the clutches of Rama and the meowing of the court's ants.

As for Toma, as a hero of the opposition, against Rama in the elections, even the mountain jackals laugh when they hear him.

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