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Former MP: Veliaj has every opportunity to tamper with evidence and continues to be in office

Former MP: Veliaj has every opportunity to tamper with evidence and continues to

Former DP MP Igli Cara states with concern that Tirana Mayor Erion Veliaj has every opportunity to tamper with the evidence and still remain in office.

In an interview with Ora News, he said that like other SP MPs, there are also ministers who have been under investigation and continue to be free, and they all have the opportunity to influence the evidence.

Cara : We have flagrant cases where in Veliaj's recent cases, although he has every opportunity to destroy evidence, to influence the investigation, he continues to be on duty.

Just like there are other SP MPs and ministers who have been under investigation and continue to be free, they all have the opportunity to influence the evidence.

And Berisha was kept under arrest, one thing was indisputable: Berisha did not tamper with the evidence.

SPAK sees the opposition differently and the majority differently.

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