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"Rama protects Pëllumb Gjoka from BKH", Balliu: Refuses and removes the status of strategic investor

"Rama protects Pëllumb Gjoka from BKH", Balliu: Refuses and

The Regional Coordinator for Tirana in DP, Klevis Balliu, in a statement to the media, reacted to Edi Rama's decision not to remove Pëllumb Gjoka's strategic investor status.

Balliu said that Rama did not even allow the BKH agents to enter the prime minister and get the documents they need for the investigation against Gjoka.

Balli's post:

The new head of justice Edi Rama wants to protect until the end the partner of his power, the orderer of the murders, the trafficker Pëllumb Gjoka.

According to media sources, Rama refuses to hand over to the National Bureau of Investigation and SPAK the file of Pëllumb Gjoka as a strategic investor that Edi Rama has signed as such.

Not only that, but in order to take the protection of the trafficker Gjoka to the end, Edi Rama refuses to remove the status of the strategic investor. Only in a narco-state can traffickers be licensed as a strategic investor, only a narco-prime minister can sign off on a murder orderer to be licensed as a strategic investor.

 And in fact, if it were not for the Belgian Prosecutor, Pellumb Gjoka would be known today as a hero of the development of Albanian tourism, despite the fact that he gained this status thanks to his criminal activity, with false land documents and without any proof of the source of financing of 52 million euros, and Rama was the one who gave a part of the Velipoja forest to build 'Silver Sand'.

In fact, a real justice today should investigate Ramen who has declared strategic investors criminals of this caliber, but there is no justice in the narco-state. Narkoshtet justice is an empty word that serves to protect the crimes of the ruler. The power of Rama is the power of the Breasts. With Rama the criminals entered the parliament, with Ram the criminals became MPs, became directors, with Rama the criminals became strategic investors and thus the narco-state was created.

The source of all corrupt and mafia affairs has a head, it has a name and that is Edi Rama, only the investigation and arrest of the narco-prime minister could hit the narco-state to save Albania from the clutches of organized crime.

The Democratic Party declares to the citizens that we will never stop confronting organized crime and we guarantee that, just like before, we will put every criminal, every trafficker, every gang behind bars. The fight against organized crime for the next government of the Democratic Party is a vital priority for the development of the country.

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