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Attacks by Basha's supporters on journalists, 'Safe Journalist': Indicator of the insecurity of the freedom of the press

Attacks by Basha's supporters on journalists, 'Safe Journalist':

The network of journalists "Safe Journalist" has reacted after the attacks of supporters of Lulzim Basha against journalists, after the meeting of the Presidency.

In a reaction, 'Safe Journalist' writes that the journalists were prevented from reporting and were verbally threatened. 'Safe Journalist' says that this was indicative of the continued insecurity of press freedom, and also underlines the essential need for political parties, their members, supporters and the general public to respect the role and space of journalists.

The SafeJournalists Network states that it will inform relevant national and international stakeholders about this case.


Journalists of various media were prevented from reporting and were verbally attacked and threatened early this morning at the meeting of the Democratic Party (PD). This action, carried out by sympathizers of the former Democratic Party Chairman, impedes not only the flow of free journalism, but also the safety and well-being of those who serve on the front lines of news reporting.

Journalists Osman Stafa from News 24, Ardit Hoxha from EuroNews, Andon Kello from MCN, Ermal Rizai from Syri Tv and Isa Myzyraj from Ora News were not allowed to perform their duties. Individuals, suspected supporters of Mr. Lulzim Basha, former chairman of the Democratic Party, tried to take away their cameras and microphones, pushed the journalists, shouted, cursed and threatened them with physical violence and other insults if they continued to film the report. 

Journalist Isa Myzyraj has reported on Facebook that supporters of Lulzim Basha insult and insult members of the DP opposition. Threats have continued against journalists present at the meeting premises. Myzyraj said that a group of people asked him to turn off the cameras and stop recording. Journalist Osman Stafa also stated that some individuals supporting Basha have used verbal violence, threats, insults and attempted physical violence against journalists near the headquarters of the Democratic Party.  

"Verbal violence, threats, insults and attempts at physical violence against journalists in the early hours of the morning near the headquarters of the Democratic Party are an alarm bell not only for the freedom of the media, but also for the physical safety of journalists. ", Myzyraj writes in his Facebook post. 

Blerjana Bino , studiuese e SafeJournalists në Shqipëri, tha: “Sulmi i fundit ndaj gazetarëve në mbledhjen e Partisë Demokratike është një tregues shqetësues i rreziqeve me të cilat përballen gazetarët në Shqipëri, duke nënvizuar pasigurinë e vazhdueshme të lirisë së shtypit. Ai nënvizon nevojën thelbësore që partitë politike, anëtarët e tyre, mbështetësit dhe publiku i gjerë të respektojnë rolin dhe hapësirën e gazetarëve. Ky është gjithashtu një kujtesë fillestare se si ndjenjat antimediatike nga politikanët dhe përdorimi i gjuhës nxitëse kundër gazetarëve mund të nxisin kërcënime fizike, duke gërryer themelet thelbësore të gazetarisë së pavarur dhe profesionale”.

The SafeJournalists network, which represents more than 8,200 media professionals in the Western Balkans, calls on the Democratic Party to publicly distance itself from this incident and condemn the actions of its supporters. An official statement is awaited, acknowledging the severity of the situation and outlining actions to ensure that such an incident does not happen again. The network further calls for comprehensive measures to be implemented to prevent such incidents in the future, guaranteeing the safety and freedom of journalists.

The SafeJournalists Network will inform relevant national and international stakeholders about this case. Any attack on journalists is an attack on the public interest, democracy and the rights of all citizens.

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