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Gjokutaj: Yuri Kim, guardian of government corruption in Albania, was Rama and Veliaj's 'wife'

Gjokutaj: Yuri Kim, guardian of government corruption in Albania, was Rama and

Lawyer Genci Gjokutaj has called former US ambassador Yuri Kim a guardian of government corruption in Albania.

 During the interview on SYRI TV, he also said that it interfered in the decision-making of Albanian institutions.

According to Gjokutaj, Kim has never been critical of the Rama government, but ranks as a 'cone' behind him and Mayor Erion Veliaj. 

"Albanians have had knowledge, I'm talking about the part that has curiosity, but also has the ability to understand the status of a diplomat of a major strategic state in the alliance, such as the USA."

We must understand that the election of President Trump will change and has begun to change geopolitics. Trump will work hard for an international alliance.

What is understood in Mr. Rubin's writing is the fact that on the one hand, Trump has announced his priorities, we are talking specifically about foreign policy, because this topic that he addresses is also related to America's foreign policy and Yuri Kim has also emerged from this as an individual in the US diplomatic service.

Mr. Rubin's attention is focused on the deviances, on the violation of the diplomat's status by Yuri Kim. Not only where he served outside Albania, but also in Albania. We have the memory fresh.

What draws my attention is that Yuri Kim has had no problems with the professional integrity of her duties, not only in Albania, but also wherever she has served. This is a very clear indicator of her political mission.

Let's get back to our own level. Apart from what Mr. Rubin writes about Kim's position in Albania and his ties to Prime Minister Rama, he has not said about the very strong ties with the mayor, Erion Veliaj. We have said it repeatedly. For example, one of the strongest points that the opposition has raised and offered to the Albanians has been Ambassador Yuri Kim's violation of the Vienna Convention.

In Albania, she behaved like an Albanian citizen. She was involved in the decision-making of Albanian institutions. She was involved physically, with her voice and figure. Without stripping her of her diplomatic mantle. As such, she has been the guardian of government corruption in Albania.

She never spoke a word from her first day on the job until her departure, she never had a stance that would make it clear that she was critical of the government, but like a dog behind Rama and Veliaj, she would go and promote them. Don't forget that Kim has been silent on the incinerator issue and many important corruption issues.

 Let us remember that the embassy spoke out on secondary issues, on unimportant issues. While on major issues it was silent. Kim was the ambassador for me, anti-American. It was a great surprise in her behavior towards the opposition.

"While he has been in the front line in the fight against the opposition. He has made quite a contribution to the annihilation of the opposition and its return or transformation into a 'fake opposition', with a puppet, with a scoundrel at the head, such as Lulzim Basha ," said lawyer Genci Gjokutaj during the interview.

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