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Lawyer: The Constitutional Court could resolve the Xhaçka case without passing it to the Parliament

Lawyer: The Constitutional Court could resolve the Xhaçka case without

Lawyer Jordan Daci spoke about the opinion published by the Venice Commission regarding the Xhaçka case as well as the mandate of the President of the Constitutional Court.

Speaking on ABC, Daci said that the Constitutional Court had the power to resolve it without returning it to the Assembly. He also stated that a judge of the Constitutional Court does not need to consult the Venice Commission, which according to him was created for countries like ours.

"It was rightly elaborated, normally the Constitutional Court had the power to provide a solution without returning it to the Assembly. The Assembly had been keeping it in suspense for a long time by not voting on the reports."

"If I were the president or member of the Constitutional Court, I am sure that I would call the Venice Commission very rarely, so that it would not be mentioned in the exercise of my function because a judge does not need to remember. The German Constitutional Court does not know if the Venice Commission exists, the French Constitutional Council does not know if it exists. We keep the Venice Commission alive, which was created for our countries, which are round countries," he said. 


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