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Toxic Waste Released from Durrës in Thailand, Serious Violation of National and International Laws
By Eduard Halimi
Two ships loaded with dangerous toxic waste left from the port of Durrës for Thailand are a worrying development that has raised big questions about possible violations of national and international laws. According to a recent report by Bloomberg, this move may constitute a direct violation of international laws, national environmental protection laws, and transportation and safety regulations. The ships, owned by a giant trading company with at least 100-140 containers, are still at sea. One of them turned off the signal. The latest news shows that Thailand has identified them and ordered them back to their country of origin. Ship owners are known, container owners not yet, but certainly not air loaded. They were loaded at the eastern quay of the port of Durrës, first in bulk and then in containers. Those who brought the refugee near Durrës should have names, just like those who packed it into containers and loaded it onto the ship.
Violations of International Law: Basel Convention in Focus
Albania, as a signatory country of the Basel Convention, has clear obligations not to allow the export of hazardous waste to countries that are not equipped to handle it safely. If the waste being transported to Thailand is classified as hazardous, this constitutes a direct violation of this convention. Thailand has decided to return them to their country of origin, that is to Albania, and the crisis will come here again, posing a serious threat to the environment and people.
According to Article 6 of the Basel Convention, ratified by law no. 8216, dated 13.5.1997, Albania had the obligation to notify and request the producer or exporter to notify in writing, through the Directorate of Circulating Economy at the relevant ministry, the competent authority of the interested countries about any proposed cross-border movement of waste hazardous and other waste. Only after notifying the country of import and the country of transit, and obtaining the consent of these countries, could the transportation of hazardous waste continue and the Albanian port authorities continue with the process.
In accordance with the Convention, Albania (state authorities) should not have allowed the producer or exporter to start cross-border movement until it had received written confirmation that the notifier had received the written consent of the importing state, and that the notifier had received from the state of import confirmation on the existence of a contract between the exporter and the disposer, specifying the complete environmental treatment of the waste in question.
Sipas nenit 9 të Konventës, në kushtet kur mungon njoftimi i shtetit të tranzitit dhe shtetit të importit, si dhe mungon miratimi i tyre i shkruar, ndodhemi përballë trafikut ilegal të mbetjeve. Dhe meqë përgjegjësia është e shtetit shqiptar, shteti ynë duhet të japë garanci që mbetjet në fjalë janë marrë mbrapsht prej eksportuesit ose prodhuesit, ose nëse është e nevojshme prej atij vetë në Shqipëri, përndryshe, mbetjet e rrezikshme duhet të asgjësohen në përputhje me klauzolat e Konventës. Deri tani ende nuk dihen përgjegjësitë e plota, por dyshimi i fortë për trafik ilegal sipas nenit 9 është ekzistencial.
Ligjet Kombëtare: Një Përballje me Krimet e Mjedisit dhe Shëndetit Publik
Nëse mbetjet përmbajnë substanca të dëmshme, ashtu siç raportohet gjerësisht, eksporti i tyre mund të përbëjë një shkelje të rëndë të ligjit shqiptar për mbrojtjen e mjedisit. Ky ligj kërkon që çdo lëvizje e mbetjeve toksike të bëhet vetëm pas një vlerësimi të plotë të ndikimit në mjedis dhe me miratimin e agjencive përkatëse. Për më tepër, nëse dokumentacioni që shoqëron këto mbetje është manipuluar, kjo mund të përbëjë një akt të rëndë falsifikimi dhe mashtrimi. Nëse është e vërtetë se Tajlanda vendosi t’i kthejë mbrapsht në vendin e origjinës, pra në Shqipëri, një krim edhe më i madh kërcënon mjedisin dhe shëndetin publik këtu. Dhe këtu bëhet fjalë për shëndetin publik; bëhet fjalë për të gjithë fëmijët e të gjithëve. Në përballje me këtë katastrofë ekologjike që po vjen, nuk duhet të heshtet, as nga mediat pro-qeveritare dhe as nga ato kundër, pasi bëhet fjalë për jetën e fëmijëve tanë dhe shëndetin publik.
Krimet Ekonomike dhe Korrupsioni: Një Qark i Errët
Një tjetër aspekt i errët i kësaj çështjeje mund të jetë përfshirja e krimeve ekonomike, si pastrimi i parave, ku mbetjet toksike përdoren për të fshehur origjinën e fondeve të paligjshme. Për më tepër, veçanërisht në kushtet kur shteti shqiptar, sipas Bloomberg, nuk ka dijeni për këtë ngarkesë të rrezikshme, ngre edhe më shumë shqetësime në drejtim të mundësisë së përfshirjes së grupeve kriminale në këtë skemë. Ende mbahet sekret pronari i 100-140 kontejnerëve, vlera e deklaruar kur u ngarkuan, kush dha lejen, kush firmosi, kush sigloi, kush bëri deklaratën doganore, kush i ngarkoi, kush fiku sinjalin dhe ku ndodhen tani. Këto aspekte krijojnë një qark të errët. Trafiku ilegal i mbetjeve, siç tregon neni 9 i Konventës, është një krim i rëndë.
Rreziku për të Drejtat e Njeriut dhe Sigurinë Publike
The transportation of toxic waste is not only a legal issue, but also a serious threat to public health and safety. Workers who are involved in loading, transporting and unloading these wastes are exposed to major health risks. Those who have loaded onto trucks have moved from shelters to containers and so on. Another important issue is how the waste will be treated after arriving in Albania. If the waste is not treated properly, the risk to local communities, or if it is returned here, the consequences for the communities will be catastrophic.
Criminal Liability and Civil Actions: Liability of Companies and the State
These legal and ethical violations can lead to serious criminal prosecution, not only in Albania, but also internationally. International organizations, as well as other countries affected by these actions, may seek criminal prosecution of those responsible for these actions.
At the international level, in accordance with the Basel Convention, the transboundary movement of hazardous waste or other waste without the notification of the countries concerned, as well as without their approval, is prohibited and considered illegal waste traffic.
At the national level, those responsible would obviously include the port authority, which has responsibility for control, monitoring, occupational health and safety, notification and coordination. Customs authorities, as well, regarding inspection, verification, securing documentation, following protocols and obviously also the ministerial level, since the issuance of permits, their monitoring and implementation, assessment of the impact on the environment, etc. Everyone, or each one according to his role, should be included as a suspect in at least some crimes as provided for in article 201/b and 282/a of the Criminal Code. Penalties for such offenses are severe, if proven to have been committed.
Likewise, state officials charged with responsibility according to the Basel Convention and Albanian environmental legislation may be suspected of the criminal offense of "Abuse of Duty".
In addition to the criminal prosecution that must be exercised by the prosecuting body, communities affected by possible environmental pollution can file civil lawsuits against the companies and the government for the damages caused.
The transport of toxic waste from Durrës to Thailand is a serious issue that raises serious concerns about violations of national and international laws. The failure of the monitoring system has led to serious legal violations and danger to the environment and public health. It is essential that investigations are carried out comprehensively, thoroughly, quickly and efficiently to determine whether there have been violations and who is responsible for them.