Flash News
Berisha praises Ilir Ikonomi and Beqir Sina: Voice of America resisted even the crazy censorship of recent years
Meta's arrest, lawyer requests Supreme Court to change measure
They killed and robbed an 89-year-old man, the Fier Prosecution sends the three perpetrators to trial
Request rejected, Ilir Beqaj remains in prison
PS-PD reach agreement, Vullnet Sinaj's mandate goes to the 'Constitutional Assembly'
The clash with weapons in the village of Kallmet, claims are made for Besnik Simon and Altin Marku
The Prosecutor's Office of Lezha has given the claim in relation to the clash with weapons that happened in 2022 in the village of Kallmet, where the former head of the Administrative Unit, Besnik Simoni, was also involved.
For the latter, a guilty plea and a 12-year prison sentence have been requested.
He is accused of the criminal offenses of 'killing beyond the limits of necessary protection' and 'unauthorized possession and production of weapons, explosive weapons and ammunition'.
While Altin Marku risks a sentence of 28 years in prison for the criminal offenses of 'premeditated murder' and 'unauthorized possession and production of weapons, explosive weapons and ammunition'.