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The SP overthrew the opposition's amendments, the 2025 budget was approved with 75 votes in favor of the majority

The SP overthrew the opposition's amendments, the 2025 budget was approved

The 2025 budget is approved in the Assembly, in the amount of 8.2 billion euros. 

With the majority votes, it was approved item by item and as a whole with 75 votes in favor and 24 votes against from the opposition.

After a long session of discussions and debates, the socialist majority overthrew all the amendments of the opposition, PD and PL.

The Democrats proposed establishing a vital minimum of 200 euros, increasing pensions, increasing the budget for education, health, stopping payments for incinerators, abusive concessions in health, but none of them were voted by the Government.

Amendments of the DP: 
1. The suspension of all procurements for luxury public investments of the central government, until the moment of the approval by law of the financial measure of the living minimum in the Republic of Albania - Sali Berisha - Fell 
2. The ban on any payment for luxury operating expenses of the central government, until the moment of the real increase in pensions - Sali Berisha - Fell 
3. Determination of the living minimum 200 euros (20 thousand lek) - Flamur Noka - Rejected 
4. Increase in pensions 5-folding of the proposed fund (from 1.6 to 8 billion lek) - Gazment Bardhi - Rejected, (8 for 0 abstention, 68 votes against)
5. Forecast of funds for the 2025 bonus for retirees - Gazment Bardhi - Fell, (37 pro 0 abstentions 69 against)
6. The increase in funds for the former owners - Oerd Bylykbashi - was defeated, (65 against and 28 in favor)
7. The tripling of funds for the former persecuted (from 1.2 billion ALL to 4.2 billion ALL). - Greta Bardeli
8. Increase by 1% of the GDP of the education budget (gradual increase by 1% every year). - Edmond Spaho - Rejected (33 votes in favor, 0 abstentions, 63 against)
9. Increase by 1% of the GDP of the health budget (gradual increase by 1% every year). - Tritan Shehu
10. Suspension of budget payments for three PPPs in health (except dialysis). - Albana Vokshi- Rejected 
11. Addition of the fund of 1 billion lek for tumor bags - Albana Vokshi - was deposed, (66 votes against and 29 in favor)
12. Addition of 0.5 billion lek for LMC reimbursement - Albana Vokshi - was deposed, (66 votes against and 28 in favor)
13. Increase by 10% of all salaries public administration (except the salaries of senior managers) - Sorina Koti
14. Increase by 20% of salaries in health. - Sorina Koti
15. Increase by 20% in the salaries of teachers and lecturers. - Ina Zhupa- was overthrown 
16. Scientific research, dedicated fund of 2 billion ALL. - Ina Zhupa- was overthrown  
17. Increase in the funds of Oncology drugs (10% of excise taxes on alcohol, no less than 15 million additional euros). - Zheni Gjergji - was defeated, (65 votes against, 30 in favor, 1 abstention)
18. Increase by 50% of the funds for reimbursable drugs (60 million additional euros). - Zheni Gjergji - was defeated, (29 votes in favor and 65 against)
19. The increase of the unconditional transfer for municipalities, from 1% to 1.5% of GDP (additional 13 billion lek). - Xelal Mziu 
20. Financial support package for local producers 5 billion ALL (compensation from the abolition of the euro). - Jorida Tabaku
21. 120 million euros in subsidies for farmers, livestock breeders and agro-industry. - Bledion Nallbati- Fell 
22. Halving the operating expenses of the central government (without prejudice to vital, security expenses and final court decisions). - Emilia Kolici
23. Tripling of funds for road maintenance. - Flamur Hoxha 
24. Payment for wigs and other necessary materials for ladies who suffer from cancer - A group of female MPs from the PD - was defeated, (66 votes against and 30 in favor)
25. Additional 3 billion lek to cover the financial effects of the miners' pension - Tritan Shehu
26. The suspension of payments for all PPPs and concessions, and the funds go to construction school, the opening of junctions with the Thumanë-Kashar highway, for support programs for young people, for children, and for professional education - Andia Ulliri
27. Immediate stoppage of payments for incinerators that do not exist or are out of order - Luan Baçi
28. The addition of 500 million lek to cover the direct costs that patients have to bear during their health and medical treatment for speech therapy, physiotherapy or psycho-social support - Eralda Bano
29. The addition of 1 billion ALL for concrete financial support for students with low family income, and especially for students who come from families whose incomes are at the minimum wage level, as well as to determine and pay the financial value of the nutritional diet for teachers and psycho-social workers who work at a considerable distance from their place of residence - Eralda Bano
30. Doubling of the birth bonus fund for 2025 in the amount of 4.5 billion ALL and in the future this fund will be indexed every year to the extent of the consumer price index rate - Lindita Metaliaj
31. The contingency fund of 5 billion ALL will be distributed as financial compensation to residents whose properties were flooded in 1975 by Hec Fierzze - Isuf Çela and Flamur Hoxha 
32. The increase of 2.5 billion lek in the 2025 budget for the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth, in order to cover the costs of hiring 2500 speech therapists for children with Autism - Elda Hoti, was voted down, (57 against and 27 in favor)
33. Funding from the proceeds of the privatization of former politically persecuted - Bujar Leskaj- was overthrown, (61 against and 31 in favor)
34. Increasing funds for the persecuted in amount of no less than 0.2% of GDP - Bujar Leskaj 
11 amendments of PL 
1- Increase in support for pensions by ALL 16.2 billion, unlike the ridiculous increase of the Government predicted by only ALL 1.6 billion - It was defeated (22 in favor, 66 votes against, 0 abstentions)
2- Increase by 6 billion ALL of support for reimbursable drugs, as concrete aid for retirees and citizens in general - It was defeated (22 in favor, 66 votes against, 0 abstentions)
3- Additional 2 billion ALL for treatment with drugs and devices for oncological diseases, as a response to the drama that thousands of patients and their families are experiencing - Rejected (22 in favor, 66 votes against, 0 abstentions)
4- Additional 2 billion lek for Science and Scientific Research, which are experiencing a very serious situation - Fell (22 in favor, 66 votes against, 0 abstentions)
5- Additional 1.5 billion lek for Basic Education, as a response to dramatic functional illiteracy , which is ruining the future of the country- It was defeated (for 22, against 67, abstention 0)
6- Additional 1.2 billion ALL for Secondary Education - Rejected (22 in favor, 67 votes against, 0 abstentions)
7- Additional 1 billion ALL for University Education - Rejected (22 in favor, 66 votes against, 0 abstentions)
8- Additional 0.5 billion ALL for Sports Development - It was defeated (22 in favor, 66 votes against, 0 abstentions)
9- Additional 5.6 billion lek for Social Care, the unemployed and the disabled, contrary to the disdain of the Government, which does not foresee anything for this category that faces extreme poverty- It was defeated (for 22, against 67, abstention 0)
10- Additional 1.5 billion lek for subsidies for Agriculture and farmers, as a response to the drama that the Albanian village and farmer is experiencing - U defeated (22 in favor, 66 votes against, 0 abstentions)
11- 7.9 billion ALL fund to support salary increases from the beginning of 2025- It was defeated (22 in favor, 66 votes against, 0 abstentions)


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