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Rama "forgave" 8 public properties for towers to private individuals, in exchange he gets offices and a stadium

Rama "forgave" 8 public properties for towers to private individuals,

The government on Thursday presented eight projects on public land that it intends to develop with private investors in Tirana. They envisage the construction of towers, government offices and a new stadium.

The presentation was titled “Bridges for Albania 2030.” This is part of the campaign for the development of 28 public properties that were transferred to the administration of the Albanian Investment Corporation, which Citizens.al has previously reported on.

1.  "Lift Tower" – Muhamet Gjollesha Street

Architects:  Baukuh, Muoto, Sam Chermayeff, Yellow Office, Atmos Lab, Bollinger Grohmann, Simoj Boudvin, Archimade.

The "Lift Tower" project.

39-story tower with mixed services for student residence, offices, hotel and housing. It is planned to be built on a plot of approximately 2,350 square meters where the former Institute of Construction was located - next to the Faculty of Engineering.

Currently, the offices of the Property Treatment Agency (ATP) are located there. The government proposes to give the land to the private party on condition that it expands the Tirana Cadastre building next to the “Harry T. Fultz” school.

The competition for investors opened on November 20th. The deadline for bids was extended. from January 6 to January 20. Investors must have economic stability and a guarantee of funding flow of 8.5 million euros.

2.  "Civic Land Center" – Panorama Street

Architects:  Baukuh, Muoto, Sam Chermayeff, Yellow Office, Atmos Lab, Bollinger Grohmann, Simoj Boudvin, Archimade.

Civic Land Center project.

The project is related to, and is dependent on, the development of the “Lift Tower” – explained above. It reconceptualizes  “under a giant silo”,  the 6-story building of the Tirana Local Directorate of the ASHK. It is also planned to relocate the offices of the ATP and the State Agency for Expropriation (ASHSh).

Three 8-9-10-story blocks are being added to the building, which are planned to be for offices, archives, and recreational spaces.

According to the Corporation, around 1,800 public administration employees will benefit from this proposal for space development.

3.  "Tirana Void ToVVER” – Jeanne D'Arc Boulevard

Architects:  Coldefy, Atelier 4, Semper Virens, Jacopo Foggini, AEI

Tirana Void Tower project.

A complex with 3 25-story towers next to the Lana River in the place where the Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATAH) was once headquartered. Currently, the Educational Services Center has its offices there.

The corporation plans to give the private sector 2,840 square meters of former ATSH land and the development project. In exchange, the private sector must build the government complex in the Paris Commune area. About 51 thousand square meters of construction are expected with a capital gain value of approximately 60 million euros.

The competition for investors opened on November 20. The deadline for bids was extended from January 6 to January 20. Investors must have economic stability and a guarantee of 10 million euros in funding flow.

4. Public Administration Cluster” – Komuna e Parisit

Arkitektë: Coldefy, Atelier 4, Semper Virens, Jacopo Foggini, AEI

Projekti i kompleksit qeveritar te Komuna e Parisit.
Projekti i kompleksit qeveritar te Komuna e Parisit.

Kompleks qeveritar në zonën e “Komunës së Parisit”. Bëhen bashkë 22 institucione në varësi të Kryeministrisë, Ministrisë së Infrastrukturës, Arsimit, e më tej ato të Turizmit dhe Mjedisit. Përfitohen rreth 34 mijë metra katrorë ndërtim.

Projekti parashikon prishjen e bllokut të ndërtesave ku aktualisht ka zyrat Autoriteti i Aviacionit Civil. Bëhet fjalë për hapësirën mes pallateve që kufizohet nga rrugët Sulejman Delvina-Medar Shtylla-Osman Myderizi-Grigor Heba.

Hapësira rikonceptohet me 17 platforma 2 deri në 8 kate. Ato vishen nga një fasadë e rrjetëzuar me tarraca dhe hapësira publike. Ndërtimi kushtëzohet dhe varet nga zhvillimi i “Tirana Void Tower” shpjeguar më lart.

5. Expo Albania” – Farkë

Arkitektë: Steven Holl, Agnieszka Kurant, Ateiler 4, Markgraph, ARUP, Stoss Landscape.

Kompleksi i panaireve dhe ekspozitave në Farkë.
Kompleksi i panaireve dhe ekspozitave në Farkë.

Qendër panairesh me hapësira fleksibël për ekspozita, koncerte, evente, logjistikë dhe rekreacion ku parashikohen zona shërbimesh për hoteleri dhe restorante. Konceptuar për t’u ndërtuar krah Bazës Ajrore të Farkës në Unazën Lindore të Tiranës.

Projekti mbulon një sipërfaqe prej 17 mijë metrash katrorë truall të Bazës së Farkës. Ai është menduar të ofrojë rreth 30 mijë metra katrorë ndërtim. U shpall fitues më 18 prill 2024 pas një konkurrimi të hapur që nisi më 29 dhjetor 2023. Grupi projektues u shpërblye me 40 mijë euro.

Ana vizuale u prezantua më 14 tetor. Koncept-ideja është pjesë e një studimi fizibiliteti të mbështetur nga Agjencia Italiane për Zhvillim dhe Bashkëpunim (AICS). Aktualisht nuk ka një thirrje për investitorë.

6. Godina e re e Bibliotekës Kombëtare” – Rruga Dora D’Istria

Arkitektë: XDG – Xavier De Geyter, iRI

Godina e re e Bibliotekës Kombëtare te Liqeni Artificial.
Godina e re e Bibliotekës Kombëtare te Liqeni Artificial.

Biblioteka Kombëtare parashikohet të ndërtohet në zonën e ish-Gardës së Republikës, në hyrje të Parkut të Madh të Liqenit Artificial.

Projekti nuk është bërë publik edhe pse është konceptuar që në vitin 2020. Ai shfaqet në renderët e hotelit 14 katësh që kompania “Nova Construction” po ndërton në zonë. Titullohet “Pieces, Hospitality and The New Building of The National Library”. Ai parashikon dhe ndërtimin e Qendrës Kombëtare të Kulturës për Fëmijë. Kjo e fundit është aktualisht duke u ndërtuar.

Nuk janë të qarta arsyet se përse vonoi ndërtimi i Bibliotekës Kombëtare të re. Por Korporata përfitoi shfrytëzimin e truallit të propozuar me një VKM që u miratua po të enjten, 9 janar. Ajo e përfshiu të premten në një “thirrje duo për projekt-propozim dhe investim”. Sipas saj parashikohet që bibliotekën e re ta ndërtojë privati në këmbim të një kulle pranë zonës së Qytetit Studenti.

The competition opened on January 10 with a deadline of February 10. The investor is required to have financial stability and liquidity for an investment of 8.5 million euros.

7.  25-storey tower on former German villas

Map of the area of ​​former German villas being given over for development.
Map of the area of ​​former German villas being given over for development.

Multi-function tower on Gramoz Pashko Street, in the area of ​​former German villas in Student City.

The corporation offers 5,219 square meters of land where 7 government villas are currently located for private development. The condition is the construction of the National Library. The opportunity to develop up to 60 thousand square meters of construction is offered. The proposed spaces are commercial (5%), office (10%), hotel (25%) and residential (60%).

Considering a land use of 45-50%, the floor area could be 2,400 square meters. With this, we can assume that a private person could build a tower there with about 25 floors.

The competition opened on January 10 with a deadline of February 10. The investor has the freedom to design the tower project with his own team, provided that he also builds the library.

8.  Selman Stërmasi Stadium – “New Tirana”

Map of the Selman Stërmasi Stadium area being given over for development
Map of the Selman Stërmasi Stadium area being given over for development

As we have reported, the “Selman Stërmasi” Stadium is offered by the Corporation as an asset for development by private investors. They are given the mandatory construction of a sports facility. In exchange, they are given up to 120 thousand square meters of construction on 57 thousand square meters of land for development.

Described as the "Revival of the Selman Stërmasi Stadium", the project does not exclude the possibility of a second stadium with towers. This is because the National Stadium with a tower project has received high public praise from the government and the Municipality of Tirana.

The competition with the "duo call for project proposal and investment" was opened on December 24, 2024 with a deadline of January 24, 2025. The investor has the freedom to conceive the project himself, but must have financial stability. Also experience in similar constructions and liquidity opportunities of at least 12 million euros. / Citizens.al

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2025-02-15 13:01:41