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The merger of the Academy of Albanology, the professor: The center risks moving to Belgrade

The merger of the Academy of Albanology, the professor: The center risks moving

Professor Romeo Gurakuqi has reacted in relation to the draft decision for the merger of the Academy of Albanological Studies, where he considered this initiative as a serious blow to the institution.

In an interview for Panorama TV, he said that this draft decision by the Ministry of Education was made without taking into account any kind of consultation and that we are dealing with a case where the law is being ignored.

Sakaq added that if this center is closed in our country, it risks moving to Belgrade, Serbia, and that the government officials are not protecting the Albanian identity.

"I hope that the prime minister of the country will show the will to support and support Albanianology. Since a government cannot attack the only institution that deals with Albanian studies, if this most important center is merged, it can be moved to Belgrade", he emphasized.

Excerpts from the conversation:

We have a decision to close the academy of albanological sciences, are you familiar with these VKM?

We are dealing with a draft decision by the Ministry of Education, which the media has revealed regarding a dignified attack on one of the most serious institutions in education, which includes 4 educational institutes. A part of these assets of this institution were collected during the Second World War.

The best elites of the country for Albanian studies work there. It is among the few institutions that produce science in Albania, competitive with international standards. The VKM that came without any consultation, without any notification and is in violation of the law on higher education. It is completely unacceptable in European countries, where academic freedom is violated, which is guaranteed in the 80th law.

If these types of methods are used without any kind of consultation, the minister of a European country should resign. Due to the lack of transparency, the reason for not respecting the law and the standards of democracy, we are dealing with a case of disregard for the law.

Kanë dërguar një nënkomision i përbërë nga punonjës të rangut të nëpunësve nga ministria dhe nuk e kanë staturën për të bërë kontrolle aty ku është vendosur elita, dhe nuk njohin pararendin e këtij institucioni. Hartuesit e raportit nuk e kanë të qartë që akademia nuk është institucion përgjegjës për mungesën e legjislacionit në një fushë të caktuar, pasi për këtë është i ngarkuar parlamenti. Vërejtja e parë lidhet me këtë, për arsye që nuk dihen.

Shpresoj që kryeministri i vendit të tregojë vullnetin për përkrahjen dhe mbështetur albanologjinë. Pasi një qeveri nuk mund të godasë të vetmin institucion që merret me studime shqiptare, nëse shkrihet kjo qendër më e rëndësishme mund të zhvendoset në Beograd.

We are not taking care of the protection of our Albanian identity, the preservation of museum assets in time. I consider it an action that violates the autonomy of higher education, if there were mistakes in the legal framework, it is the duty of the executive to correct, not to destroy.


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