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Pajtime Fetahu's policeman brother bribes the prosecutor "for respect"

Pajtime Fetahu's policeman brother bribes the prosecutor "for

The State Police often makes public videos showing citizens attempting to corrupt police officers, and in these cases, citizens are prosecuted for this act. However, today on the show "Stop" another case will be shown that shows a police officer attempting to corrupt the prosecutor of Elbasan.

It is about the traffic policeman Arben Kotollaku, who is involved in this scandal. According to information, Arben Kotollaku prosecuted a drunk driver. The case went to the prosecutor's office and the prosecuted citizen hired Arben's sister, former judge Pajtime Fetahu, as his defense attorney. As a result of the proceedings, the citizen was ordered to appear in court.

At this moment, Arben Kotollaku, the traffic policeman, gives a perfume with a considerable price to the prosecutor of Elbasan.

For this act, the prosecution has registered the criminal offense of illegal influence against police officer Arben Kotollaku. "Stop" had a telephone conversation with Kotollaku himself, who admits the incident, but does not think it was influence, but simply a form of respect.

Journalist: Mr. Kotollaku, how are you?

Arben Kotollaku: Hello, how are you?

Journalist: You work here at the police, because I wanted to meet you?

Arben Kotollaku: Yes, I'm not at work, I'm on a report.

Journalist: Actually, I wanted to ask you about an event that has reached our editorial office regarding a criminal proceeding that has been registered in your name by the Elbasan Prosecutor's Office. It is said that you attempted to bribe a prosecutor by bringing her a perfume for a considerable amount and the prosecutor's office has registered this as a criminal offense, for the influence you exerted on her in relation to a case. I don't know how true it is.

Arben Kotollaku: I don't know, there was a problem, but it wasn't about influence. I don't know!

Journalist: Can you explain exactly what it was so we know?

Arben Kotollaku: No, no, there was something there, it was for charity. Not for charity, but for respect, there was no problem of influence or any other problem.

The fact remains absurd as to why the AMP and the Elbasan Police, as well as SPAK, have not done anything even though 7 months have passed since the incident.

Journalist: I would like to know why it hasn't been suspended and what measures have been taken regarding this by AMP or...?

AMP representative, Elbasan: Genci, I have no knowledge at all about the case, this is the first time I'm hearing it from you.

Journalist: AMP is not aware of this?

AMP Representative, Elbasan: AMP has no knowledge about this./tvklan

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