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The unbearable joke of aging in Vuno

The unbearable joke of aging in Vuno

By Grigels Muçollari

When Edi Rama, shortly after coming to power, made those jokes with Koço Kokëdhima on the coast, where he said that he would grow old there in Vuno, few people thought that he had a project in his head, where one of the stages was the electoral masquerade of 4 August in Himare.

Vunoja has appeared again these days, where thousands of square meters have been put into cork for aging. While Himara begs as an office, as a power to finalize everything.

Voting is a formality. The result was predetermined by the ruler, as it is part of his personal scheme.

He considers the coastal lands his own. Even when he doesn't have them with a cork, he still has them. No one can stand in his way, otherwise prison awaits him. As happened with Beler.

And to come to this day, he has built a large farm of customers and vain kissers at those luxury resorts nearby, he has subdued all the institutions, and the new justice, give and take with them. Only the Opposition and a handful of media and publicists stand and resist.

With only recently added voters, with thousands who were not allowed to express their will, with the entire present state, with all the lackeys, with the main media that falls on the sources of renaissance, stronger and people with precedents, with the first favor, with pressure and violence, Edi Rama overturned the result of the previous year, 100 times.

The ruler confirmed once again that he does not allow voting, he does not allow elections.

The problem is that since Himara has this direct sentimental connection and interests with the lands and properties of the coast, to keep and carry his project of owning everything to the end, he definitely needs power in Tirana.

And he has a plan to transform all of Albania into a Himara like the one on August 4.

What are the citizens going to do, whatever the Albanians are doing who don't even have property in Vuno, neither the government makes them strategic investors, nor do they build towers, nor do they get concessions, neither do they benefit from tenders, nor do their incomes increase the more they get power Edi Rama, on the contrary, becomes more impoverished, loses freedom and rights and is reduced in dignity.

So what do those citizens do, those Albanians who are not this handful of people who immerse themselves in privileges by worshiping the ruler?

Will they agree to become speechless subjects, without aspirations, without hopes, of this kingdom, or will they wake up and reclaim the rights they have. One of the most important is to decide for yourself, to choose freely.

They can do this. They can do it. They are very close to this moment. Elections are coming. There are no more illusions about Edi Rama.

And one thing is certain. There can be no election with this prime minister. This is in our hands, not only the Opposition, but also anyone who still loves freedom.

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