Flash News
The meeting is closed, Noka: From tomorrow, the leaders will be at the base
Set up by a criminal group, a drone is prevented from entering Burrell prison
Shots fired at Golem, one injured
Berisha with the political leaders in the districts: popular revolt for technical government
From Nikolla to Shalsi and Braçe/ SP elects the new Presidency, the names that were left out
"Now Tao will be 'mother'"/ The irony of Gjekmarkaj: He made Majko the cemetery manager
By Agron Gjekmarkaj
Chronicle from the Congress of Baba's seven speeches!
Babo pushed the congress several times out of concern to realize in detail the scenography, colors, music, speakers, the seating of Party figures near and far from him. He changed the music four times! Color spots from two.
The zamanet of the next Congress he wrote in Surrel at night, even under the barking of a dog, while now in the flask here and there.
He even showed his concerns to King Karl e Macron, who told him about Mamice, you have a lot of money, give the president a chance. Meloni edited his speech and advised him to declare the changes in the last sentence as irrelevant to the principles!
At first, there was a dilemma as to which of the ministers he would bring to the spot to give them the message that life goes on for them! He chose Belen, Anile and Teze.
The latter informed Teze, who forgave her for a while. She cried out of joy with the few tears she had left, because she has cried many times over the years, sometimes out of joy and sometimes out of sadness.
He designated the people who wanted to talk with a stroke of the pencil.
Most of his time was taken up by the writing of speeches which should express everything he thought about himself through the mouths of others! As they told Comrade Enver, those of the Political Bureau "you need to rest 6 months a year, in Dajt, Pogradec and Vlora"! He did not spoil the fun.
There he needed space for jokes and interventions like the one with the student Helena where Babo told them to warm themselves in the sun until this is done, I will be the President.
Klos's speech did not take long because it was simple, basic things, count and make statements as he likes so as not to get confused. Klos has a deep voice.
With Boren e Ciun, he got a bit more tired of slurring the words so that Borushja wouldn't break them like nuts with a hammer.
She didn't care because she knows that she is forgotten as soon as she leaves the microphone.
Bakja of the Republic on Sunday wanted a break, he wandered. He had even gone to Durrës and was relaxing on the deck chair when the phone rang!
It was one of Babo's cabinet! "Zullap, where are you?" He was upset and acted as if he heard "it's a day off, I need to relax my bones, rest"
That's how the guy answered on the phone, "get dressed, take some bread and cheese with you and go back to the office, I spat and told them you didn't get to drink black, because I'm moving until we tell you"!
As soon as he saw it, Bake was sad, he got up, got dressed, forgot a sock in his haste, ordered some peppers to be fried quickly and quickly took them with him and with him to Tirana to meet the congressmen!
Babua talks and talks!
Lali was happy when he mentioned his name, he considered it caring, while Majko made the blessed person responsible for the cemetery.
Shtrëngonte dhembet e qeshte Pandi i gjorë, i duhet të kënaqet gjithnjë e më me pak e të qeshë gjithnjë e me shumë për dekor, të duket spontan e i gëzuar!
Aty nga fundi si drejtori tek “lulëkuqet mbi mur” u tha ti, ti atje, ti qe fshihesh , ty , ty more po të them aty poshtë, hajt , përjashta nga Qeveria.
Me Taon u tregua zemërgjerë. Tani Tao do jetë mamicush se e ktheu të bëjë shamatë me ne të Opozitës.
Edhe Çuçi u rrit në detyre që allah allah , qerratai ndonëse nuk u gëzua edhe aq “ promuovere et rimuovere”!
Bashkë me mua ndan numrin katër të shtetit, pas Bakes, Mamices dhe Babos mbi Belen vime unë dhe Çuçua të cilit i rrëshqet toka nën këmbe tash e pare.
Evlati do marrë zyrën e Ermos të mobiluar plot shije se cilës tani për tani i vajti dëm sherri e zallamahia që ka bërë me zell keto vite. I thoja viranes mbaje moj gojen se në keto punë pak e ndan qarin nga qederi. Jepi ajo, tollovit !!
Nikoqirit ja bëmë të ditur Qysh të premtes se i ke fjalime lamtumire herën e fundit në Kuvend.
Ai ishte i gëzuar që Babo nuk e kishte pyetur po e mori vesh në sallë se sheh përpara ai por jo me sytë e vet!
Bela dukej mjaft e gëzuar se ministrat e rinj janë taraf i saj dhe do i rritet ymri ! Kësisoj ju zbeh edhe mërzia per gradimin e Mamices.
Madje bënë dhe një resme me Lalin që ti shihte Babo sa xhan e kanë njëri- tjetrin!
Ulsia nuk pat kohë të bëhej xheloz se ishte ënde i emocionuar që nuk i ra satëri mbi kokë!
Por aty për aty me instikt i nxori gjuhen Xhafes dhe Braçes dhe pëllëmbën mbi hundë.
Pastaj bleu nja gjashtë byrekë dhe i hëngri sa hap e mbyll sytë se helbete një jave pa vënë gjë në gojë nga angështia e uthi e kishte drobitur.
Vullnet Sina u përlot. Aty më në fund Laerti u ndie i dobishëm, me një kavanoz mblodhi atë rreke që buroi nga shpirti. Antoneta i zgjati nje shami dhe mendoi lum si Vullnetit që ju dha mundesia të qajë live, po ne që nuk do na shohë askush!
Ogi edhe pse nuk priste ndonjë mandatë doli më e qeshur se kur hyri. Tani ajo mbetet nishani i Qeverisë në atë murretim të pergjithshem!
Ditmiri dukej i ngrysur si Lym Keta ditet e fundit! Eh nuk po kthehet në rrugë të mbarë ai djalë. Por as Damua nuk dukej fort i çelur. Edhe pse nuk priste gjë prapë enda ja kishte ti zihej emri me gojë!
Klosi priste që Babua ti thoshte e lexove mire po as aq se bëri. Klosi e justifikoi, është i zënë ka halle, bereqavers edhe keshtu.
Bora ishte bëre me krahe, tanimë ajo do jetë shefe e platformes “Deputeti që duam”! Menjeherë në korridor u paraqit Dilua, Baftua , Ismeti dhe Bujari me CV ne dorë për tu regjistruar!
Por ajo ju ndenji rëndë madje i pyeti kush jeni ju? “Po ne jemi ata gjysherit që kanë besim tek fjalë e Babos siç tha Helena e duam të behemi prape deputet, menduam të lëmë keto kartat e defteret e njollosur me pika vaji u shprehen njëzëri”!
Jo jo u tha Bora unë njoh vetem Xha Majkon, kjo është performance skematike duhet kreativitet, shkoni e mendohuni!! Iken kokëulur. Bujari i Lushnjes propozoi që të shkonin të ngrohnin xhanë se kjo punë vate!
The three new ministers must see the fate of Mete, who since tonight people have been asking, who was he, where did we hear him? I raised them!
Arben Pellumbi was worried and wondered who knows this Boren, should we introduce a friend to keep us in the loop? Yes, Edlira said to Bilal, Etilda said that she has a friend. But Edlira pretended not to hear! Etilda blushed a little, but she gave herself up, but the thought that Bora could be hard on her made her shiver. Silence becomes an ally.
Did Xhemali say there is a post for us?!
Right there, Nasua is waiting for what Kronika distributed to us next time! But how did he find all the things that Mamica becomes President, the Ministers who are going to leave, and Shalsi, somehow, is looking forward to the others?!
Thanks to the secret agreements that the Government has with the Opposition, they have assigned this task to distribute stars and clouds, said Toni visibly limping, who is left with only his beard as his hopes are gone!