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Prime Minister Berisha's decisions after May 11

Prime Minister Berisha's decisions after May 11 

By Basir Çollaku

MPs or candidates, party leadership and functionaries, must say it. There is no need to vote within the opposition after the victory to determine the Prime Minister. The result is clearly known. Berisha is the majority of votes. This is the fear of the majority. This is also a cloud for some dancers in the DP. The union of the democrats, in addition to a national emergency, is also a political act on two levels. Union in membership and leadership, for those with a political mandate, in every forum. This is fragile, since some courtiers are mostly accountants. There are here and there flighty people thinking that Berisha may not be a candidate for prime minister, selling international dorks. Although dreams are free.

All the shadowy candidates want to take seats with Berisha's votes, since they themselves do not take anything against him.

Non grata is Edi Rama's file sent by "Charles McGonigal" mail. American justice confirmed this.

It's a story, a bunch of NGOs from Tirana with Soros' employees.

You will also see the ambassadors of every country, they will come there. They are as careful today as they were careless yesterday.

Without a logo, without an office, without funding, Berisha received about 600 thousand votes. This, when there were no factions on his side, including a significant part of the parliamentary group, which today are united. Even today, as much unity has occurred, they are from his guarantees of credibility. Although pragmatists have ambiguities of ideals. And, as Plato says, “Opinion is something intermediate, between knowledge and ignorance”, Berisha as the leader of the opposition, the chairman of the DP is of course also the candidate and prime minister of the election victory. MPs divided yesterday and united today, they have no reason to think in low voices.

The leader is the candidate, because no other candidate has a majority within the opposition, despite the illusions of some poorly vaccinated agendas within the opposition camp. Allies or others outside it, they do not consider agreements by other names. Accusations, serious denunciations of criminal groups with government ties, always reach Berisha to be denounced. This is the fear of the majority. The old and new diaspora have Berisha as the oppositionist they voted for and trusted. Being the politician with pan-Albanian influence, beyond Albania.

Rama will be defeated by the DP and the opposition. This defeat, at the same time, turns Rama into a defendant in the face of justice. Justice in which many Sorosian injustices must be corrected. The opposition leader must promise many prosecutors and judges the reversal of the political decisions that removed them from office. To stop strategic investments with funding sources from the Mafia and drug trafficking.

To return education and health to services, stopping looting. To return the police organization to the hands of dedicated officers and not gang soldiers. To remake the constitution. To restore the economy. To restore the Albanians. To declare "Soros" and his anti-Albanian activities non grata. Prime Minister Berisha after May 11, must make strong decisions.

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