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"Where have the taxes ended?", Blushi submits the request with 16 questions to the Municipality

"Where have the taxes ended?", Blushi submits the request with 16

The General Secretary of the Freedom Party, at the same time a member of the Tirana Municipal Council, Tedi Blushi, filed this Friday in the municipality the request for accountability on the issue of the tax on the educational infrastructure.

In his speech to the media, Blushi says that he wants to know why the deadline for the tax in question has been proposed and "what percentage of the taxes collected on the educational infrastructure has been used for investments in the construction of new schools."

Blushi says that he has started 16 questions, among which is listed that "how many new schools have been built through the scheme of "Public Private Partnership?"

Tedi Blushi's request with 16 questions for Tirana Municipality:

Decision No. 59 of the Tirana City Council, dated 30.12.2015, as well as making available decision No. 139 of the City Council of Tirana, dated 23.12.2022, regarding the "Educational Infrastructure Tax", together with the accompanying relations .

Is the decision of the Municipal Council of Tirana, dated 23.12.2022, in accordance with the Constitution and based on what arguments was it approved?

Has the restoration of this tax been consulted with interest groups, citizens, businesses, civil society?

Why did you propose the postponement of this tax and is it expected to last more than the next three years?

How much was the income year after year, from 2016 to the first half of 2023, from the tax on educational infrastructure, divided by items, for the "family" and "business" categories?

What percentage of the taxes collected on the educational infrastructure was used for investment in the construction of new schools?

Has the fund collected from the education infrastructure tax been used for other investments or purchases, apart from the construction and reconstruction of schools?

I request the availability of the 3-year investment plan in the program of basic education and preschool services.

Has the objective publicly expressed by the Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, for the construction of 17 new schools through the "Public Private Partnership" scheme, been realized?

If this objective was not achieved, what were the reasons?

Sa shkolla të reja janë ndërtuar përmes skemës së “Partneritetit Publik Privat”?

A janë audituar ndonjëherë këto kontrata dhe nga kush autoritet shtetëror? Nëse po, a janë konstatuar problematika?

Vënien në dispozicion të të gjithë kontratave të realizuara sipas skemës së “Partneritetit Publik Privat” për ndërtimin e shkollave dhe kopshteve të reja.

A parashikohet ndërtimi i shkollave të reja deri në vitin 2025 nëpërmjet taksës së mbledhur mbi infrastrukturën arsimore apo vetëm rikonstruktim i shkollave ekzistuese?

Cilat janë shkollat ekzistuese që kanë nevojë për rikonstruktim dhe sa është vlera e parashikuar e rikonstruktimit?

A janë përdorur fondet e grumbulluara nga taksa mbi infrastrukturën arsimore në funksion të pagesës shtesë të miratuar së fundmi në Këshillin Bashkiak të Tiranës për inceneratorin inekzistent dhe në sekuestro të Tiranës?

These are the 16 questions which I have officially addressed to the Mayor of Tirana and which await answers from all citizens and businesses of the capital.

This tax has been paid regularly for seven years and in December of last year, in complete secrecy, its payment was postponed for the next three years by the Tirana City Council, without consulting the interest groups and without giving any explanation public.

Citizens and businesses, who only in 2022 pay about 760 million new taxes on the educational infrastructure, deserve transparency: Why were the promised schools not built?

In the conditions of "information terror" and the complete disrespect shown for 7 years towards the citizens of Tirana, now is the time for accountability: Where have the taxes ended up?

"Where have the taxes ended?", Blushi submits the request with 16

"Where have the taxes ended?", Blushi submits the request with 16

"Where have the taxes ended?", Blushi submits the request with 16


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