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PS do you defend Braçen or Manastirliun?

PS do you defend Braçen or Manastirliun?

The Socialists felt that they were "touched" by the reaction of the democratic deputy Ina Zhupa to Erion Braçes, so that they abandoned the Assembly hall, in an act that, despite the drama, deserves a political Oscar. The official reason? "Insults" that deputy Braçe gave me a retort that he also labeled me "Russian" and "prit thonjte".

Could this be the real reason, or just a maneuver to avoid a difficult questioning with the Minister of Health, Ogerta Manastirliu, for the tragic murder of 14-year-old Martin Çani near the school premises?

Zhupa, due to the length of the Braçes in the style of the thumbs, he managed to "plague" the socialists a lot, so they preferred not to debate.


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