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A 27-year-old man previously prosecuted for attempted murder was killed in a car bomb attack.

A 27-year-old man previously prosecuted for attempted murder was killed in a car

New details are revealed regarding the noon event today at the Sauk-teg axis in Tirana, where as a result of the explosion of a walking car with explosives, 27-year-old Aleksandër Sadikaj lost his life.

It is learned that the young man is from the city of Berat and has previously been prosecuted for attempted murder.

It is not known if the remote-controlled bombing is related to his past, but it is learned that the 'Mercedes-Benz' type vehicle with which the victim was traveling, is registered under another name.

Sadikaj died at the hospital due to the severe injuries he received, a few minutes after the powerful explosion.

Police are investigating other conflicts that Sadikaj may have had before, as other tracks are not excluded.

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