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Ajola Xoxa and Arbër Veliaj complain about the checks of "lali Eri's colleagues": They were carried out in violation of the law!

Ajola Xoxa and Arbër Veliaj complain about the checks of "lali
Ajola Xoxa, the wife of Tirana Mayor Erion Veliaj, has filed a lawsuit in court challenging the actions of SPAK and GJKKO regarding the search conducted on Friday morning at the offices of the “Harabel” foundation.

Her defense attorney has filed an appeal with the Special Appeals Court, while it is learned that a similar appeal has also been filed by the mayor's brother, Arbër Veliaj, regarding the search conducted by BKH agents in his apartment.

This situation does not seem to have brought the "relief" that the mayor felt during his cooperation with the investigators. On the contrary, Xoxa has filed a lawsuit in court, opposing the actions of SPAK and GJKKO, while Arbër Veliaj has also filed a similar complaint.

Their lawyers claim procedural violations and lack of a legitimate reason for the searches.


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