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Berisha lecture at the FRPD political school: A leader must be courageous and self-reliant
The Chairman of the Democratic Party, Sali Berisha, in the last lecture of the 'Political School' with the youth of the FRPD, stated that this event is important not only for the participants, but also for the DP and the Albanian nations.
Berisha spoke about his experience from the December 1990 revolution, describing the courage of the student youth who stood up against the dictatorship. He emphasized that the courage to be yourself is essential to being a leader. Leaders must be courageous and make right and wise decisions.
Berisha : Today you are graduating from a school dedicated to politics and each of you should feel proud to have attended this school.
You study in different fields or work in different sectors, you have a profession, you aim for a profession, but you should never forget that in the hierarchy of truths on which man works, in philosophy, in engineering, in high-tech, in medicine, there are some other truths that are superior.
There are some other truths that in this hierarchy are its crown and these truths are freedoms, human rights, the universal values of the free man.
So, the school that you are graduating from constitutes a new direction from that of the profession, it constitutes, I would say, the best direction that you can take in life because no matter how difficult politics is, and it is the art of the difficult, but there is nothing like it to be Archimedes' Lever to change society and the world.
But you are very lucky and I appreciated it because this school provided you with the most important notions and knowledge in this battle that we have ahead of us.
I experienced the revolution of December 1990.
There are former students here from that time.
You should know that their political ABC was only the instinct for freedom. Almost the vast majority of knowledge was missing from that alphabet, not only for them, but for us who joined them.
Despite this, they, your age, with the weapon of courage, and here I must come out, with epic courage, took to the streets and faced the dictatorship.
Where did they find this courage? How is it possible that those boys and girls, if you were a student at that time, if you were privileged, if you were a teacher, you were privileged, because the persecuted and the downtrodden could very rarely step on the university benches.
What pushed them? I said the instinct for freedom and their courage.
They dared to be themselves. So to be a leader, never forget, you must dare to be yourself.
You must dare to be yourself, but this is only one aspect.
What do you use courage for? What are the decisions you make? The leader is a decision-maker, a leader makes decisions, weighs them and decides.
So, you have actually proven and decided to stand up for those values that are superior values for all conservatives in Albania and the world.
Our values are traditional, they are freedom and human dignity.
You should know that these have been guaranteed in the Magna Carta, in the Declaration, but they have also been absolutely guaranteed in the most ancient law of the Albanians, in which for free speech, everyone was equal, like the one who sat at the top and the others who perhaps had the floor at the end, but for speech they were all one.