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Berisha with locals: In these elections we will be a political force for a deep victory

Berisha with locals: In these elections we will be a political force for a deep

The leader of the Democratic Party, Sali Berisha, has gathered local elected officials and municipal councilors in a meeting at the blue headquarters, in the framework of the general elections of May 11. 'When we managed to get 600 thousand votes in 2023, in these elections we will be a political force of a deep victory,' Berisha emphasized during his speech.

Berisha : Good evening and a warm greeting to you here, but also to all the DP councilors, its local governors, voters, those who voted for you and I wish you from the bottom of my heart a year full of goodness, health and victory on the coming May 11th.
As the institutional fiber of power, alongside the parliament, our local councilors and governors are extremely important institutions of the opposition and the DP.
With your election as leaders of local governments and councilors, a great step was taken in two aspects.
The DP corrected that fatal mistake it made with the 2019 local elections, but on the other hand the DP accomplished or achieved the unimaginable.
In what sense? In the truest sense of the word. In the elections of May 14, 2023, we entered the elections without a seal, without a flag, without the name of the chairman on the ballot, without a single penny of funding. Without our representatives in half of the counting commissions.
And we as the opposition received 600 thousand votes, hundreds of thousands of councilors. We also won some of the country's municipalities.
So, the elections that were predicted to be the final elimination of the opposition as an electoral factor, in fact the Albanians proved the opposite.
Very difficult, despite the government's deceptive propaganda, but I tell you that it is very difficult to find such a case in history, where a political force, deprived of all this, achieves a result that we achieved on May 14.
At a time when the narco-government used every kind of mechanism, used the criminal electoral state and its gangs, used deceptive propaganda, all of this, but over 600 thousand Albanian voters voted against it.
Why do I dwell on this analysis?
I pause in this analysis first to express my deepest conviction that today the political force, which in those conditions, added to the deepest, most undeserved isolation, managed to get 600 thousand votes from Albanians, will be a political force of a profound victory in these elections. A deserved victory.
There was nothing more impossible than in conditions of total discrimination, of a true bandit terror, of a criminal electoral state, of the most brutal acts, with lists, with gangs, with patronageists, with activists, etc., to be voted for by 600 thousand Albanians.
In the electoral history of this country, it will remain the electoral surprise of the DP and the opposition.

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