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Ec e quaji "bangladeshas" po deshe...

Ec e quaji "bangladeshas" po deshe...

From Gent Strazimiri

Bangladeshi students have invested all their faith in an 84-year-old intellectual, without any of the distortions or existential or social dilemmas that are in vogue in Europe.

They have done it, they are clear about what they want their country to be tomorrow and about the path they have to follow to reach it!!!

84 year old Yunus is their idol!

A man "like a man", who has dedicated his life to solving real problems through the use of the mechanisms of the market economy and the freedom of the individual.

"What did we learn from this?"

Since in that "backward" Bangladesh there is no "Big Brother", "Kiss", "Orange", "Klanifornia", "Vip Farm"... producers and promoters of silicone "idols" that ultimately contribute only the black chronicle...

There isn't even an "elite" caste that can't even speak the standard language correctly (let alone write it), and that only speaks when paid by the best bidder, which is always the power...

There are also no "youth" political movements that are cooked at lunches, dinners and receptions of ambassadors and consumed like a restaurant meal menu in television studios between "political" debates...

Jacques Chirac used to say "today, it is not a youth without opportunities, it is a youth without objectives"...

The youth of Bangladesh seems to have understood that if you have a goal, the opportunity to achieve it is in your hands!

And in this world where the leader model is the "Macrons" and anyone else who promotes and incites the dilemma of sexual affiliation at a time when democracies are being destroyed, with this election the Bangladeshis have become a model of inspiration...

Ec e quaji "bangladeshas" po deshe...


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