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DP: ARRSH announced 200 million euro tenders with criteria that do not qualify foreign enterprises

DP: ARRSH announced 200 million euro tenders with criteria that do not qualify

The member of the National Council of the Democratic Party, Akil Kraja, in a statement to the media from the blue headquarters, commented on the extension of the validity of the "Strategic Investments Law" until the end of 2024.

He said this law is corrupt, occult and clientelistic, as according to him, this status has been obtained by corrupt or criminal directors. 

The region has denounced ARRSH, which recently announced 13 procedures for strategic public investments worth over 200 million euros.


A few weeks ago, the Albanian Parliament extended the validity of the 'Strategic Investments Law' until the end of 2024. A clientelistic, occult, corrupt law, as corrupt directors of the Municipality of Tirana, or criminals convicted of trafficking have taken this status and crimes from the most serious.

Out of 57 projects which have received fiscal and economic benefits as a result of being granted the status of strategic investor, only 4 are completely foreign. Only 4, including the project of the ghost owners of the Port of Durrës. Edi Rama's government doesn't like foreign investors, and why does it appear on the facade to favor European partners with historic conferences, bombastic statements and integration initiatives.

The truth is quite different.

The Stabilization and Association Agreement with the European Union has been violated dozens of times as European enterprises are not invited to participate in competitions for strategic public investments. Not only have foreign investments fallen due to ubiquitous corruption, but also those European and Western companies that still operate in the country seem to be leaving one after the other, such as in the banking, telecommunications, or textile and leather sectors.

Edi Rama's government does not like European and Western businesses as they require standards, good governance, legality.

European businesses cannot compete with companies like 5D who take 100% of the tender to the corrupt renaissance director. This is the filter with which to read the latest decision of the Albanian Road Authority, which recently announced 13 procedures for strategic public investments worth over 200 million euros.

The procedure just announced by ARRSH, whose VIP director was arrested not long ago, requires foreign and European companies to have their licenses equated to the Albanian Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, before applying. Otherwise they are disqualified. While the equivalence procedure lasts 38 days, the deadlines to apply for these tenders last from 30 to 35 days.

We tell European businesses that Albania is not open for business, while ghost companies like the one of the incinerator are given bonus points even before they are created or registered in the CKB.

This is the anti-western, anti-business, anti-competition standard of Edi Rama, Erion Veliaj, Evis Berber, Mariglen Qato, Redi Molla, Taulant Tusha and the entire Renaissance sect that feeds on fictitious tenders and robbery taxes.

Therefore, on Friday, at 11:00, Tirana must come to the square to put an end, today or never, to this unholy corrupt greed.

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