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PD denounces: Patients in the Fier hospital have been without food for 6 months, pay 320 million lek for the staff hotel

PD denounces: Patients in the Fier hospital have been without food for 6 months,

Democratic deputy Zheni Gjergji has declared the scandal in Fier Hospital.

Gjergji, in a statement to the media from the blue headquarters, said that since 6 months, patients are not given food by the hospital, but by their family members. Gjergji emphasized that under these conditions the hospital paid 320 million ALL to accommodate the hospital staff in the hotel.

Gjergji called on investigative bodies to react to abusive cases that are happening in the health sector.


What is happening in Fier Hospital is an indication of how health is managed, how patients and citizens are treated and where millions of euros of Albanian taxes go.

A day ago, colleague Albana Vokshi denounced that since March there has been a lack of food for those admitted there. It is the family members who provide it.

Also, it was announced that 6.6 tons of hospital waste are there, immobile.

This situation has not at all prevented the Ministry of Health from making a new tender for the accommodation of medical personnel for the Fier Memorial Hospital.

The same entity received for the accommodation, for another year, without competition and with the highest offer, the amount of 320 million lek without VAT. For 3 years, the Ministry of Health has provided approximately 1 million euros for staff sleeping in luxury hotels.

It costs approximately 1,000 euros per day as an expense.

Without knowing the number of personnel being accommodated. Without considering other lower priced offers.

There is no doubt that the doctors and support team need to be accommodated. But can so much money be given when the hospital lacks food for the patients? Is so much money given, when the removal of hospital waste, which poses a serious threat, is not carried out?

The said tender was carried out on July 29. The government of rampant corruption may change the faces of the departments from time to time, but none of them forgets the habit of abuse, because this is the system.

The Minister of Health, Albana Koçiu, apparently wants to follow in the footsteps of her two predecessors, who not only destroyed health and increased out-of-pocket expenses of Albanians for treatment, but also massively abused the corrupt PPP tenders.

After the shocking scandal of the Oncologist, and the non-compliance of the direct responsibilities of the Minister and her subordinates of QSUNT, the abuses of the mismanagement of the situation of the Emergency of Tirana of 17 million euros, comes this repeated violation with the clientelistic tendering procedures for the accommodation in the 4-star hotel of the health personnel at the Regional Memorial Hospital of Fier.

This is a blatant case of clientelism and abuse of Albanian taxpayers' money, when in fact it should be a model for health under the so-called autonomous management of public hospitals. This "model" not only does not offer transparency, but above all it is only an opportunity for staggering budget abuses.

This at a time when many hospital services are lacking in the country.

Patients in Oncology are not provided with health treatment with frequent and vital drugs, and imaging or chemotherapeutic treatments are not performed because elements are missing or the devices are out of order.

I take the opportunity to make a public call to the investigative bodies to stop turning a deaf ear to the scandals of successive abuses taking place in the health sector.

This scandal is a sufficient indication to start a criminal proceeding. The hard work and sweat of Albanian taxpayers cannot be trampled on.

Theft in healthcare is the most serious crime.


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