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"Pyramid of salaries", Berisha: We submitted to the parliament the draft law on the establishment of the living minimum
Chief Democrat Sali Berisha, during his speech in the parliament group today, said that they have prepared and submitted to the parliament, the draft law for the establishment of the minimum living wage in our country.
Berisha states that the establishment of the vital minimum of 200 euros for every Albanian is a vital act to bring Albanians out of extreme poverty.
Hundreds and thousands of Albanians benefit from this minimum in economic assistance, in unemployment, in retirement, so it is these categories that find some improvement in their economic life, the chief democrat said, among other things.
" We have prepared and submitted to the parliament the draft law for the establishment of the living minimum in the Republic of Albania. We had this an electoral promise, we had this a previous goal with which they were working, but the Albanians made a different choice.
We judge that today the establishment of the vital minimum of 200 euros for every Albanian is a vital act to get Albanians out of extreme poverty, which, apart from Albania, does not exist in any country in Europe, and the mechanism of getting out of extreme poverty is precisely the guarantee for every citizen a minimum income with which to cope with daily life.
This is the way, it does not take them out of poverty, but extreme poverty is always the word, misery in our terms. And this has a clear positive impact, because it means that every Albanian, those with less than 1 euro per day, but also those with 1 euro per day and more, receive at least 6.8 euros per day. It's not a huge amount, it's a much better amount than what these people get.
Hundreds and thousands of Albanians benefit from this minimum in economic assistance, in unemployment, in retirement, so it is these categories that find some improvement in their economic life.
I am never and never will be against salary increase, but the act that happened two weeks ago put a stain of shame on the parliament. I'm not talking about politics. I say this because it was voted in flagrant conflict of interest. Of course, the deputies would vote for the salary law, but they should vote for it when the salaries that would be increased should be their salaries.
Increase the salaries of employees, increase pensions, increase the salaries of employees, doctors, police officers, etc. and I am absolutely not against increasing the salaries of deputies and high officials. No, but they could not have been the main protagonists of the salary increase because the law of conflict of interest was kicked with both feet.
Në këtë aspekt është një akt korruptiv madhor. Le që ai ligj që pothuajse dyfishoi rrogat e deputetëve, të ministrave, ai ligj nuk indeksonte rrogat e arsimit, parashkollor dhe fillor. Nuk indeksonte një pjesë të rrogave të ushtarakëve, nuk indeksonte një pjesë të rrogave të policëve. Pra ishte një mashtrim që filloi në zgjedhje dhe u vulos me një votë në parlament. Për mua, në vlerësimin tim duke lënë një njollë me shumë të drejtë para qytetarëve shqiptarë, atyre deputetëve.
I feel sorry for the opposition MPs who voted for it. How can you vote for it, it could not be voted for. These salaries should be increased one after the other and then the salaries of deputies and other officials should be increased. Here it turned out that the biggest problem of Albania, misery and poverty, was the salaries of the deputies, the salaries of the ministers, the salaries of the prime minister, the speaker of the parliament and the salary of the president. No they were not the main problem. They should have increased, but I can't say that they were the main problem of the salary pyramid.
That's why we send this law because in our legislation there is no law on the living minimum. Our specialists in various fields have drafted the law and it was submitted today." , said Berisha.