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Salianji: The Commission tried the interventions in TIMS by crime or the corrupt

Salianji: The Commission tried the interventions in TIMS by crime or the corrupt

The chairman of the TIMS Investigative Commission, Ervin Salianji, asked for the extension of the investigation yesterday, as according to him, the data that have come out are revealing and the persons responsible should not be avoided from the investigation.

In an interview for EuroNews Albania, Salianji also explains the reasons for this request for the postponement of the commission's investigations.

"Given that we are familiar with incriminating facts with data from senior leaders of the State Police, who in their testimony are contradictory, they leave the responsibilities to each other. Thus, we will have the opportunity to go to the end of the investigation for other issues, not only with the interventions in TIMS, but also with the production of forged documents. "- says the deputy.

According to Salianj, with the activity so far, the commission has proven and verified the intervention in the TIMS system, which according to him could have been done for three purposes.

"This could be intervention by organized crime, intervention for political purposes or even to help states with bad intentions towards Albania." - he continues.


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