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'Thefts' in the Municipality of Tirana, Teliti: 29 contracts at '5D', no coincidence

'Thefts' in the Municipality of Tirana, Teliti: 29 contracts at

DP Municipal Council Member Dorian Teliti, speaking on "Mcn Economy" about structured groups in public administration, emphasized that individual action is not enough to move budget funds.

He points out that the 29 contracts documented in the 5D case cannot be a coincidence, but rather a deliberate mistake by a group loyal to the superior.

Dorian Teliti: "It is not an individual action. To move budget funds, several links are crossed, because there is a legislation that is very good. From a procedural point of view, things are very good in Albania.

To get your hands in and break this kind of system, you need a group of people who have the will, the ability to break through, and the persistence. This cannot be done the first time someone comes into the office, but by creating a group that is loyal to the superior, where the superior will get their hands in, and someone will get two fingers in, three fingers in, everyone will get their share.

"To date, we know of 29 contracts that are for 5D. Repeating the same mistake 29 times does not happen. If you continued it, it means that you are intentional in your mistake. The fact that there are 29 cases with the same scheme... An arrogant scheme, 5D, 5 directors. For the 29 contracts that we are aware of, their total value is 35 million euros."

Teliti says that concession contracts were not designed properly, as concessions were chosen without competition, and the contracts were left open in their values ​​year after year, without setting financial ceilings.

Teliti: " These are concession contracts that were not properly conceived. Should sterilization have been carried out? Absolutely yes. But through the World Bank we had created a special structure at the QSUT, ready to be put into operation, the same with the laboratories. Why with a concession? Was there a need for improvement, yes.

The budget was charged 80 times more to cover a cost that could be covered by the state structure. Second, why without competition?! Why are these contracts still open in their values? They have left them with open pockets so that if necessary, funds can be increased, and there are no financial ceilings.

"All of these are more than enough reasons to cancel these contracts and these were not done without knowledge. They are called structured groups because you have ministers, deputy ministers, the concessionaire involved. It is not possible for a few neighborhood guys to come out and campaign for Veliaj one day, then become directors who set up criminal schemes and steal tens of millions of euros."

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