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Vokshi publishes e-mails: How Albana Fico ordered the transfer of expired medications to the pediatric pharmacy

Vokshi publishes e-mails: How Albana Fico ordered the transfer of expired

Democratic deputy Albana Vokshi, in a statement to the media from the blue headquarters, has published several emails of the former director of QSUT, Albana Fico, who ordered the director of IT, Rigers Haxhirajn, to change the expiration dates of medicines for sick children.


In the last statement I made from this pulpit, among other denunciations, I also made a denunciation regarding the intervention in the online pharmacy system of QSUT, to temporarily delete the expiration date of a medication.

It is about a quantity of 1137 vials of FEIBA medication used for patients with hemophilia. This amount of this medication had an expiration date of December 31, 2023. In total value, the remaining expired amount of FEIBA medication is about 1.35 million EURO.

The scandal lies in the fact that by order of the former director of QSUT Albana Fico, through a Memo No. 126/65 dated 29.12.2023, directives of the head of the Albana Fico institution were given for this remaining amount of FEIBA drug to be transferred to the Pediatric Oncohematology service.

How could this be done? 

Only with the intervention in the system by the IT director at QSUT who deleted the expiration date.

When I raised it as a concern in the hearing we organized in the Health Committee on the oncology scandal, the Minister of Health Koçiu, the Director of QSUT and the Central Pharmacy of QSUT denied the fact, while the SP MPs again sided with the scandal instead of to stand by the patient's side and protect their life and health.

On the monitor I have the exchange of emails between the former director of QSUT Albana Ficos; Mirela Rexhepi, director of the Central Pharmacy; Eneida Balla, deputy director of the pharmacy, IT Director Rigers Haxhiraj, and Anisa Serjani.

They are the ones who, in communications with each other, give orders to the director of IT Rigers Haxhiraj. Albana Fico, in an email after 23:00 at night, orders Rigers to intervene in the system after 16:00, when the pharmacy is closed and the staff is not there, to remove the expiration date and the next day, i.e. March 8 to transfer this medication from the central pharmacy to the oncohematology ward.

From the emails it can be seen that pressure is exerted on the IT manager to take urgent measures because almost 3 months had passed since the order of the former director Albana Fico.

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