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"He waits with his mouth open", Rama opens his mouth in the Assembly, Vokshi asks for an exception

"He waits with his mouth open", Rama opens his mouth in the Assembly,

Dealing with the facts that Gazment Bardhi brought to the Assembly regarding the toxic waste scandal, irritated and brought Prime Minister Rama out of his mind, who could not contain his words from the Assembly.

While speaking attacking the opposition, Rama used inappropriate vocabulary.

"I don't know if the same thing happens to you, but I missed the desolate Lul, the tutor of this figure who spoke. Those who followed him saw the difference between us who speak with facts and those who do not know what are they talking about. These goods with these names are not considered hazardous waste. You heard the confused reaction in his expertise.

The gentleman waits for the expertise with his mouth open and his head up, the expertise is inserted into his mouth from above, he turns it around and spits here, because the gentleman is talking about who I am and who is a gentleman, about words we have said. But it is the gentleman who said Berisha came to the building with a flag, he will run away from politics, he ran away from the building to keep his head up and see Saliu. The biggest problem is the one on the 8th floor, who didn't stop the dancer without going to the ledge and telling her to stop twisting her waist for you," said Rama.

Democratic MP Albana Vokshi said that instead of the majority applauding Rama's speech, he should have been excluded from the session.

"You applaud them with that scandalous vocabulary? I ask you to expel him and take measures for the prime minister" , Vokshi said.

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