RENEA's action in Pogradec, the Court determines measures for the 6 arrested

RENEA's action in Pogradec, the Court determines measures for the 6

The Korça Court has imposed security measures for those arrested who were placed in police handcuffs as part of the RENEA action in Pogradec.

It is learned that the Korça court has imposed prison arrest measures for Fatjon Bono, Eris Cekani and Aldi Hoxha. 

Denis Xhemollari has been placed under house arrest, while Arbi Berberi and Enxhi Xhemollari have been ordered to appear.


At the Court of First Instance of General Jurisdiction in Korça, a hearing was held today, on 20.01.2025 at 09:30, with the subject: "Validation of arrest in flagrante delicto, assignment of security measure", against citizens FB, E.Ç, D.Xh, AB, E.Xh, AH, where the court ultimately decided:

1- Validation as lawful of the arrest in flagrante delicto and the imposition of the security measure "Arrest in prison" against citizen FB, suspected of committing the criminal offenses "Storage or deposit of contraband goods" and "Laundering of proceeds of crime", provided for by articles 179/2 and 287 of the Criminal Code.

2- Validation as lawful of the arrest in flagrante delicto and the imposition of the security measure "Arrest in prison" against citizen E.Ç, suspected of committing the criminal offenses "Manufacture, possession, purchase or sale of cold weapons without a permit" and "Illegal possession and production of weapons, explosive weapons and ammunition", provided for by articles 279/1 and 278/3 of the Criminal Code.

3- Validation as lawful of the arrest in flagrante delicto and the imposition of the security measure "House arrest" against citizen D.XH, suspected of committing the criminal offense "Production and sale of narcotics", provided for by Article 283 of the Criminal Code.


4- Validation as lawful of the arrest in flagrante delicto and the imposition of the security measure "Obligation to report to the judicial police" against citizen AB, suspected of committing the criminal offense "Unauthorized production, possession, purchase or sale of cold weapons" provided for by article 279/1 of the Criminal Code.


5-Validation as lawful of the arrest in flagrante delicto and the imposition of the security measure "Obligation to report to the judicial police" against citizen E.XH, suspected of committing the criminal offense of "Organizing illegal lotteries", provided for by article 197 of the Criminal Code.


6-Validation as lawful of the arrest in flagrante delicto and the imposition of the security measure "Arrest in prison" against citizen AH, suspected of committing the criminal offenses "Illegal possession and production of weapons, explosive weapons and ammunition", "Illegal production, possession, purchase or sale of cold weapons" and "Laundering of the proceeds of a criminal offense or criminal activity" and "Organization of illegal lotteries", provided for by articles 278/3, 279, 287 and 197 of the Penal Code

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