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What enraged Nuredin Dumain?/ The conversation on SKY becomes clear: I will remove the name from the Civil Status
New conversations in the "Sky" application have been revealed. It is about a conversation between Nuredin Duman and a person identified by the nickname "Agia Sofia". The theft of 22 pistols of different calibers, 3 rifles and a tomson in a shop in Fushë-Kruje has enraged Duman.
"Ora Neës" learns that this individual, who bears the name of the great mosque in Istanbul, allegedly stole a large amount from Nuredin Duman in December 2020.
As it appears in the conversations developed in the "SKY" application, Dumani threatens him, promising that he would commit massacres if the weapons are not returned and if the person with the nickname "Agia Sofia" does not reveal the person who stole the weapons.
The conversation between the two protagonists takes place one day after the New Year 2021, precisely on January 2, where Dumani, after finding the "SKY" code, writes to this individual and begins to threaten him, even telling him that he is Nuredin Dumani that all the words that says turn them into deeds.
According to "Ora Neëa" Dumani tells him that if he does not return the money for the weapons or tell the people who stole his weapons, he will delete the contact of Agia Sofia and at the same time will disappear his name in the Civil Registry, threatening him that he will count killed.
In this conversation, Duman appears with the nickname "Toto Rinoo", while the other person, who is believed to be from Fushë-Kruja, appears with the nickname "Agia Sofia", which is the name of the Great Mosque in Istanbul.
Between two people, this conversation takes place as follows, hot and threatening to vows of murder and massacre.
Toto Rinoo: What's up, okay?
Agia Sofia: What did you do?
Toto Rinoo: Okay, thanks. Let's pass.
Agia Sofia: I don't know you.
Toto Rinoo: I wanted to talk to you a little, for a chat...about something.
Agia Sofia: Who are you?
Toto Rinoo: (Nuredin Dumani sends him a picture of a gun).
Agia Sofia: I don't understand you!
Toto Rinoo: I am the master of this weapon. I know who you are, I know you well, I'm just looking for the one who stole these. While I know you, you have never met me, the first time we spoke. O boy, look a little and you will understand what I am saying. Because I wanted to talk to you like men and we will find a way. I didn't want to meet you for fun, but I want to meet you now for an hour.
Hagia Sophia: Hahahahaha
Toto Rinoo: Please solve this problem, the weapons were stolen by 4 people. I will destroy all four of you if you need it. What are you laughing at?...it seems like a joke...I know my brother well and even you. And try with it a little seriously. Don't open the rooms for me, okay... Answer me here or you've given me a joke. Why do you paint it...(Sends the photo of the gun again)
Agia Sofia: Who did you get this contact from? When the guns were stolen by 4 people, then you had the job to solve.
Toto Rinoo: I dërgon sërisht foto të armëve dhe vijon...o ti njeri unë e zgjidh mir këtë punë të paketoj e ty e qa ke mrapa. Të tregoj unë zgjidhjen ty pa merak.
Agia Sifia: Me degjo pak. Qofsh kush të duash mos kujto se po me tremb me të shkrujt se s’ja kam frikën asnjë njeriu ok. Edhe fol mirë, mos me flit mua me paketime.
Toto Rinoo: Shiko pak ti këtu. Unë të flas si të duash ti o idjot. Të paketoj o k... pse ça kujto ti se po flet me shokun tat o debil po te vras ty e ça ke mrapa. Për mallin tim s’ka byth jo ti po askush në Shipëri dhe sa për presjonet un i boj ralitet. Unë jam Nuredin Dumani. Më bërë të tregoj emrin që fole si gangster pulash ti. Do të rregulloj unë, pa merak e shef ti, se kush jam pa merak dhe do të shoh sa trim je pikolino ti dhe hajdut dhe gangster.Ti zbohesh dot, O hajdut o Gagster more vesh.
Agia Sofia: As të njof, as kam lidhje me të njof. As stë kam vjedh gjë as stë kam ra në qafë ok.
Toto Rinoo: A do më njohësh!Pa merak. Ku i more ato armë që janë të mijat , ato janë me numër serije.Janë vjedh 22 pistoleta, dhe 3 pushkë e 1 tomson.
Agia Sofia: Ore shok unë as ti kam vjedh, as gjë ok,se sjam hajdut edhe ato armë foto më kanë ardh.
Toto Rinoo: Po s’më njofte, do më njohësh të premtoj.Atë do e shikojnë ne. Dhe ato që ke bo me silenciator, sjan të tuat. Dhe këto që ke shit s;jan të tuat, sja ke haberin e di e di. Nga kush?
Agia Sofia: Unë po të them, që unë stë kam gisht në këtë punë nëse unë të kam gisht në këtë punë.
Toto Rinoo: Shiko, unë e di që do gjesh shumë arsye për me u la vet. Por nuk kam nevojë për mu sjaru.Unë du njeriun se kush ka hy në dyqan.
Agia Sofia: Po se kam lidhje me ty, si mund ti vjedh unë armët ty?
Toto Rinoo: (dërgon mesazh zanor dëke kërkuar që të paguajë të gjithë armët e vjedhura)
Agia Sofia: Po si të paguaj unë të gjitha, kur unë kam ble 3 pistoleta dhe asgjë më shumë
Toto Rinoo: (Vijon ti dërgojë dy mesazhe zanore, duke i kujtuar se armët e vjedhura i kishte shitur dhe kishte fituar para)
Agia Sofia: Po kan shit dhe të tjerë, unë po të them për vete kam blerë 3 armë.
Toto Rinoo: (Sërisht i dërgon mesazh zanor)
Agia Sofia: Unë deri më sot as skam vjedh njeri, as skam ndërmed me vjedh njeri, me jat fut njeriu.
Toto Rinoo: Shif pak çfarë do të çoj. Këto janë gjithë numrat e serisë të armëve që janë vjedh.
Agia Sofia: O vlla, unë të kuptoj shumë mirë ty. Nuk po hapet ça ke nis, se spo punon mirë. Unë deri më sot as skam vjedh njeri, as skam ndërmed me vjedh njeri, me jat fut njeriu.
Toto Rinoo: E kuptove tashi që spo luan kush bllofin. E di je tu kontrollu listën që a përputhen numrat e seris.
Agia Sofia: Për zotin nuk po hapet. O vlla unë nuk rrej kurë në jetën time se sjam i tillë. (I dërgon foto të disa armëve).
Toto Rinoo: Shiko pak, unë spo akuzoj njeri për hajdut, amo ai mall osht vjedh dhe ty të ngel barra pasi ty tu gjetën këto armë.
Afia Sofia: What about me, these are sold to earn 200 or 300 euros. I told you from the beginning, pretending to be someone you know and you said you are joking. Now I understand very well, what situation you are in.
Toto Rinoo: Oh, I'm not in a bad situation, in the meantime you're in a bad situation. That you came to light, 3 days after the theft. Your weapons were seen and you sold them. Now we have only one way, find the one who stole them or you will pay for these weapons yourself. Or go away, you have what they gave you and this work remains between the two of us. As for how the work will end, there is something left between us, for better or for worse. That I will finish this work because Mr. 'bo.
Agia Sofia: Yes, not that I guarantee you, that it is not me! I will talk to him and I will answer, that what I bought is my friend. That if you are the one who introduced me, I assure you that we have mutual friends.
Toto Rinoo: I'm just looking for more than two people, my dear. If I don't have another dear, then I'll deal with you, because I'm going to take the money somewhere, and that somewhere is you, but I'll come faster and take the money.
Agia Sofia: Yes, not that I guarantee you, that it is not me. For this I have bo something, this thing you can be sure. Now I'm talking to you clearly and if it comes out of my hand that he stole a cartridge from you, then I owe you whatever you want. I'm not a traitor by selling to someone, I'd rather come by myself.
Toto Rinoo: Ok come on by yourself. I am not accusing you of being a traitor or a thief. Don't sell anyone. As you stole, the one who gave it to you stole. But the point is that these weapons have been taken from you.
Agia Sofia: I took them from the other side
Toto Rinoo: Who is the other side? I know who I really am because you've been talking about me on TV. But the situation is different.
Toto Rinoo: How do I do this job, let's not prolong it because it seems like we are talking like children.
Agia Sofia: I told you how I got it, you said you're joking.
Toto Rinoo: Oh, give me the people or do it yourself, double the 6th. no no tell me how my guns came to you just 3 days after robbing my store.
Agia Sofia: I can't help it, I'm talking to you right now.
Toto Rinoo: Pasha Allaun, I will make a massacre for this work and for that god it seems as if you are insulting him, convincing me that you have a relationship. I am deleting you from contact and I will also talk to the Civil Registry, delete you from you too ...I am Nuredin Dumani..we will meet very soon, I promise.
Agia Sofia: Now I don't accept this, you talk to me like that.