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The journalist tells how Laert Haxhiu's group was disbanded

The journalist tells how Laert Haxhiu's group was disbanded

Journalist Klodiana Lala, invited to the "Opinion" column in News24, showed the details of how a structured criminal group, led by Laert Haxhiu, known as opponents of Alfdo Bares, was dismantled.

" It is about a repentant justice, Artan Tafani. It was arrested by the Operational forces, who arrived with special methods, it is a surveillance device that is being used to locate persons who are wanted for criminal offences. At first, he was suspected of a robbery, but during his tracking, the police discovered that a service station, where it is suspected that the vehicles used in the murder were dismantled there, and Tafani came out in the fingerprints. He confessed to the first murder he committed, the murder of Elton Mermal, part of Aldo Bare's gang.

Elton Mermali's mother, although elderly, declared at the prosecutor's office that the author of the son's murder was Laert Haxhiu and gave details. There was a terrible reaction from Laert Haxhiu's father insisting that the facts were not true, but time proved him right. Tafani admitted the murder, resulting in 6 murders committed by him. The group was led by Laert Haxhiu, an extraordinary character of the underworld. He was sentenced to 18 years in prison for a murder. In 2017, he tried to kill Aldo Bare's nephew, Xulio Shkurti. He managed to escape, but three others were killed. There are two sentenced to life imprisonment for the Lushnja massacre.

His girlfriend (of Laert Haxhiu) was also arrested, who is accused of not reporting a crime and providing assistance. She helped him to hide ", said journalist Lala.

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