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The Assembly disqualifies 6 candidates for KLJ and KLP

The Assembly disqualifies 6 candidates for KLJ and KLP

Five months after the end of the legal deadline, the Assembly is expected to start the procedure of selecting candidates from the ranks of the legal profession and civil society to fill 3 vacant positions in the High Judicial Council and 3 vacant positions in the High Prosecution Council.

The final list of candidates from the bar for the two councils was published on Monday on the website of the Assembly, according to the report drawn up by the General Secretary of the Assembly, Genc Gjonçaj, where 6 candidates were disqualified from the competition, changing the ranking list made by the commission. ad-hoc raised by the People's Advocate.

Based on the right recognized by the Constitution, Gjonçaj has disqualified from the race the candidates Pëparim Kalo, Alban Alimema, Fatos Lazimi, Entela Shehaj (Memishaj), Saimir Vishaj, Albana Tushe.

According to the reasoning, they do not meet the legal criteria, mainly because they do not justify the continuous work as a lawyer in the last 10 years or for "tax obligations".

The verification has established that there is a lack of social insurance payment for certain periods for the candidates Alimena and Tushe.

The exercise of another duty in institutions of public administration or in institutions of justice has also become a cause for disqualification, disqualifying Kalo and Lazimi.

In the case of Kalos, the report calls the period in which he served as a member of the Constitutional Court for 1 year and 6 months as a break in practicing the profession of lawyer.

For Lazim, his work as a legal advisor in the Railway Authority and the legal conflict with the legal profession are ascertained.

While Memishajn has been disqualified for not meeting the seniority criterion in the legal profession for 15 years.

In the final list presented to the Laws Commission, from which the 2 new members of the KLJ will be selected, Eris Hysi ranks first, followed by Erind Merkuri, Erind Gërmenji, Albens Tabaku, Klodian Gjermeni, Artan Reçi, Bledar Bajri. and Saimir Kola.

While the list of candidates for two seats in the KLP is headed by Erind Merkuri followed by Erind Gërmenji, Albens Tabaku, Artan Reçi, Bledar Bajri and Saimir Kola.

The disqualification of Kalos, a former member of the Constitutional Court, has caused the ranking of the candidates in the list to change as he was second in the list for the KLJ and first in the list of the KLP according to the score given by the ad-hoc commission of raised by the People's Advocate.

This has favored Merkur's ascension to the list, known as a lawyer of the Assembly in the Constitutional Court in several cases such as; the attempt of the socialist majority to dismiss the president Ilir Meta or the decision not to send the motion for the incompatibility of the mandate of deputy Olta Xhaçka.

According to his public CV, Merkuri has also provided expertise to the former Minister of State for Innovation and Public Administration, Department of Public Administration, Agency for the Provision of Integrated Public Services and the Ministry of Environment and Tourism.

The other leader of the list, lawyer Eris Hysi, was a candidate for High Inspector of Justice.

The legal provisions provide that the 4 candidates for 2 vacant seats in the KLGj and 2 in the KLP are subject to voting in a plenary session after they are chosen from this list by political consensus (4 votes in favor) by the 5 members of the subcommittee of laws that is set up for this purpose.

This sub-committee also has the right, with 4 votes, to reinstate candidates disqualified by the General Secretary.

When there is no consensus, the names from the list are chosen by lot and if the Assembly fails in 3 consecutive votes to elect the new members of the KLJ and KLP with 84 votes, those who have been chosen by lot for the third round are automatically called appointed. .

The process will start after the General Secretary compiles the evaluation report for the candidates coming from the ranks of civil society, from which the 3rd member will be chosen for the vacant seats in the KLJ and KLP. Reporter.al

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