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Construction and services worsened the confidence indicator in the economy in September
The economic sentiment indicator (TNE) fell by 2.4 points in September, following a fluctuating performance during the last months.
According to the periodic survey of the Bank of Albania, the drop in the confidence indicator in September was mainly influenced by the deterioration of the confidence indicator in the construction sector, but the drop in confidence in the service and trade sectors also contributed negatively.
The industry confidence indicator made a positive contribution to September, while consumer confidence remained unchanged compared to a month ago.
Despite the fluctuations of the last few months, the TNE level continues to remain 11 points above the historical average.
The confidence indicator in construction registered a decrease of 9.9 percentage points in September. However, its level continues to remain at high levels, 18 percentage points above the historical average. The decline in confidence was mainly determined by less optimistic assessments of current construction activity.
The estimate for the level of orders registered a decline, but to a lesser extent. Also, expectations for future employment have registered a decline. Expectations for the prices they will set in the future have increased slightly.
The indicator of confidence in services fell by 4.6 percentage points in September, but continued to stand above the historical average, by 19 percentage points. The less optimistic assessments of businesses both for the current progress of their activity and for the level of demand contributed equally to the decline in confidence.
Also, the expectations for the demand and the level of employment in the future are evaluated downward by the service businesses. Their expectations for future price movements have decreased.
The trade confidence indicator registered a slight decrease of 0.2 percentage points in September. Currently, this indicator stands 12 points above the historical average.
Në rënien mujore ndikuan prirjet më pesimiste për punësimin në të ardhmen. Nga ana tjetër, vlerësimet për ecurinë aktuale të biznesit të tyre shënuan rritje të lehtë. Pritjet për çmimet në të ardhmen u vlerësuan me rritje.
Treguesi i besimit të industrisë u rrit me 2.3 pikë përqindje në muajin shtator, duke qëndruar aktualisht 10.4 pikë mbi mesataren historike. Bizneset e industrisë raportuan të përmirësuar si kërkesën nga kontratat porositëse vendase e të eksportit, ashtu edhe prodhimin aktual.
Gjithashtu, pritjet e bizneseve të industrisë për prodhimin në të ardhmen kanë regjistruar rritje në shtator, ndërsa pritjet për punësimin dhe çmimet që do të vendosin në të ardhmen janë në rënie.
The consumer confidence indicator remained unchanged in September compared to a month ago and very close to its historical average. The constituent components of the consumer confidence indicator this month made contributions from different directions: expectations for purchases in large amounts and for the future financial situation increased, while the estimate for current purchases in large amounts and expectations for the general state of the economy in the future they decreased. Monitor